In Progress Tradeable Teleport Keyring slots

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by SteamFox, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. SteamFox Augur

    Claimed one of the tradeable teleport keyring slots from the Friends and Family bundle. My key ring still shows 0/0. When trying to add teleport items it tells me that I don't have the feature. I guess you need to pay for the inital and the tradeable slots are just upgrades. Nothing really written to indicate that though so maybe its a bug? Also if its NOT a bug and thats intended, when I buy the feature will it remember I claimed one or do I need a petition or something to unclaim it until after?
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    This is confusing. Did you buy the family and friends bundle? If so then you paid for it. What do you mean by "pay for the initial" and tradable are upgrades?

    But putting aside my confusion if you bought the family and friends then some of the tradable items cannot be claimed for 72 hours.

    ⁺⁺ Available to claim at the launch of the expansion or 72 hours after purchase, whichever is later.

  3. SteamFox Augur

    Sorry for the confusion.
    I purchased a tradeable Teleport Key Ring Slots (5) from someone in game. These came from the ToL Friends and Family bundle.

    I do not own ToL. I used the slots and they disappeared from my inventory however I was still showing 0/0 on the keyring. Attempting to add items said I did not own the feature.

    I did eventually go and purchase the feature from the market for 1500dbg coins and instead of getting the base 10 I did receive 15.

    So it would appear the tradeable teleport slots require the base feature to be unlocked even though I did not see anywhere indicating this. On the plus side, it remembered that I had previously clicked it and gave me the correct number of slots once I did purchase the feature.
  4. Thunderkiks Augur

    It's a feature of ToL, you need to own the expansion to use the feature.
    Hobitses and Fenthen like this.
  5. Soulbanshee Augur

    Yes...and no. Its a marketplace premium feature...that's bundled with the purchase of ToL. Once ToL is off sale or if you don't buy the expansion, you have to purchase it from marketplace, like (most) the other keyrings and the dragon's hoard. It should be usable on any server that has unlocked ToL.
    Mukkul likes this.
  6. SteamFox Augur

    Just be nice if that was explicit in the item description I guess.
    Fenthen, Barton and Thunderkiks like this.
  7. SteamFox Augur

    I was unable to find the teleport keyring feature in the market for my box, I figured based on my OP that if I consumed one of the keyring expansion items it would appear for purchase as it did previously on my mina. Had another one of these and decided to claim it on my box instead of selling it. Long story short I didn't receiver the feature on my box from consuming the additional 5 key ring slots (as expected) however the actual feature is not available in the marketplace to activate it either. I tried camping to desktop and that still did not make it show in the market. Is there some other expansion I need to own to be able to see this? My main has every expac except ToL and my box is only up to whatever expansions are free. Both accounts are gold subs.
  8. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Assuming your box is on a different account and as you mentioned that is a free account which only has access up to TBL.

    This box account does not have access to TOL which is necessary for the Teleport Key ring feature.

    Per Fanra
    The teleport item key ring with 10 slots is only available for characters of accounts which have purchased Terror of Luclin.

    Getting the expansion at no extra cost by buying later expansions gives you the teleport item key ring feature with zero slots.

    ***have yet to verify this as I am not willing to spend money to buy the latest subscription on my alts yet.

    I think in your case your Box needs to purchase the latest expansion which would then give them access to this feature supposedly. And you already have the slots so it would not show up at zero slots after you purchase the expansion. The cheapest version is like $40 - up to you if its worth it to test.

    Let us know if you do so we can update
  9. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Dunno on this - I don't see any keyring features in marketplace on my paid or free accounts, only slots.
  10. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    The features disappear if you have them active and are replaced with slot upgrades. If you don't have the feature, you only see the feature option and no upgrades.
  11. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Yes, I understand. If I don't have that keyring feature then I should be able to see it and buy it.

    There are no Illusion key rings, Mount key rings or ANY key rings at all in marketplace.

    "The Mount Key Ring feature is now available to all players starting with Shadows of Luclin. Feb 2020 etc."

    As this was a major bug a few years ago I suspect it has happened again.
  12. SteamFox Augur

    I do not own ToL on either account, my main has CoV purchased, the box only has whatever is free (TBL?).

    My main has the teleport key ring working fine after purchasing the feature in the market place back in Dec as noted.

    Currently on my box I can see in the market place the Hero's Forge Keyring Feature, the Illusion Keyring Feature and upgrades to the Familiar Keyring and Mount Keyring (2 key rings I own). I am unable to see anything related to Teleport Keyring on my box.

    My main can see upgrades to all keyrings he owns (Mount, Illusion, Teleport, Familiar) as well as the option to purchase Hero's Forge Keyring.
  13. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Are you on a TLP?

    If so, check on a live server. Enabling the feature ought to be account-wide, not character based.. so possible to do it that way. TLP marketplace has always had issues with what is/is not available.
  14. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Not on a TLP.
  15. SteamFox Augur

    So I should I be petitioning for my 5x teleport key ring item back? Or start a new bug thread because the feature is missing? :(