
Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by magoonraw, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. magoonraw New Member

    New ranger here. I dinged 20 and have been tracking consist ably sence lvl 1 yet mt tracking has only gone up 14. Am I doing something wrong or is really just that hard to skill up tracking?
  2. Hatsee Augur

    Nope, hit track and forage every single time they are up. Both level very slowly.
    Buktum likes this.
  3. moogs Augur

    Shouldn't hurt to dump a few points into it at the Ranger Guildmaster.
  4. Toquillaw Augur

    There should be ranger/druid/bard guides around to give tips on this. I add foraging (plus /autoinventory) and tracking to each of my macros for nuking or snaring. Some people bind them to their left and right arrow keys, but since mine spends time as a boxed account, the nukes/snares work better for me.
  5. Kegin New Member

    Check your Ranger Guildmaster and see if you can pay pp to lvl it a bit more.
  6. Azerafael001 New Member

    Unfortunately, I think it may still be somehow linked to the old system of constant clicking. In the old days there was no auto refresh so you had to click Track to check it and then close it and then re-click it again. I kept doing that until I realised there was an auto refresh. That could be why mine seems to max out with the levels, or close enough anyway. *Grin* old habits die hard.
  7. Borek-VS Augur

    Auto-refresh won't skill up tracking; however, there is no need to close the tracking window, just keep clicking you tracking button, and you will get skill ups.
  8. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Also, you can temporarily bind your tracking button to your forward button so that you are always clicking it without having to think about it. You can minimize the tracking window so it doesn't take up space when you aren't using it.
  9. magoonraw New Member

    Great! Thanks for tips all!