Info Needed ToV Gift/Trade-able Mounts

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by xxGriff, Dec 18, 2019.

  1. xxGriff Augur

    I cannot convert the Restless Snow Griffon gift. I get a grayed out convert on the gift box and attempted to claim/convert to usable mount returns error "You do not meet the requirements to convert this item." and "The item cannot be converted." this is on the same account I gifted ToV to from my Friends and Family purchase. I do not receive this error with the Gift Restless Wolf mount, I was able to claim and use that mount without any issue, just the Snow Griffon is not working.
  2. klanderso Developer

    Which server?
  3. xxGriff Augur

    Sorry E Marr, i also /testcopy amd tried on test just now. same message
  4. klanderso Developer

    What's your character name?