Top tier Generic Named gear

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Elysania, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Elysania Journeyman

    Granted little to nobody here will likely care about this aspect of the game, I do.

    The generic gear has become a boring part of EQ. I understand it is easier but when you have all of these items in game as T1 and T2 drops in group and items in raids as T1 with awesome names its a shame that later on down the road if I wanted to best in slot gear it has to be replaced with a generic run of the mill item. It would be a much better game swapping these around.

    That the random dropped items on nameds are BiS and the crafted from ores are worse. IT may require some more work on the End of devs but it would provide a much better game and would give people playing a reason to keep playing past 3 months into an expansion when they have a full set of crafted T3 gear max level and aas. When there's a reason to go out and hunt specific named mobs for specific drops that are BiS that have unique names. Sounds alot better than crafting a full set of items with the same basic name.

    To the same extent with raids its not just sit around waiting for an ore every raid its there's 4 or 5 BiS drops from an event everyone is hunting for, feels more rewarding and more unique. Like there is only one reason that I don't want everyone in my group to be wearing a Buckle of Phlebotomy, which is awesome solely because of the name. but sadly there is a generic named item that ill later craft that is better. and its a damn shame the creators come up with these item names just for them to be forgotten about.
    Fenthen, Syylke_EMarr and Jumbur like this.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Loot has become extremely boring.

    If TS items weren't best in slot it would make more sense.
    Fenthen and Syylke_EMarr like this.
  3. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    All of the gear and even how to obtain it is boring. I have 0 reason to make waning (t2) because I have 5 ores waiting until I’m 120. Do missions skip named.
  4. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    No, no, no and hell no, it does not provide a completely better game. The end result of BIS is the same except it takes an exponentially longer time to get there with dropped items cuz.EQ loot RNG is a , some guilds get 10 ranger bows and others get 1 over the course of half a year. No one likes spending an hour beating a raid to watch 3 rogue pokers drop for the 5th time and all of them rot for the 4th time. Crafted BIS not only is more efficient (as you can actually selected what you want to upgrade), it forces interaction with the tradeskill community, which one of the Devs wants.
    Wdor likes this.
  5. Triconix Augur

    Loot has become boring.

    There's too much. It's too easy to acquire. The tiers copy/paste for the last few years. The names are all generic.

    I don't like the highest tier being TS. It used to alternate or be better/worse in different slots. It gave people options. Now it's all linear. Gear used to be fun to look at, read, and learn. Gear names ofttimes had connections to the events, mobs, whatever it came from. You needed to make choices on what stats to gain and lose. Nows it's grab this ore, make something something legionnaire whatever or something something item of security.

    Raid loot is even worse off. You don't even need items to drop anymore to max gear a character. You can ignore every item that drops and simply move to the next target. There's no thrill of wonder or hope at something you need to drop finally does. Oh it didn't drop? 2.5 weeks and I'll have it through coins
  6. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This is boring. Let me go post about it how boring it is and see how many people agree with me.

    Honestly, the problem is you. Sounds like you're burned out...and boring.
  7. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Jhenna's arbitrary Ring of Scale gear system, best gear system response. They really should go back to that.
    Tarvas likes this.
  8. Svann2 The Magnificent

    They did make that chase loot with weird aug slots. That was different, though I cant say I really liked being stuck with it permanently.
  9. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I liked the way they did in RoS, where they had plenty of crafted raidgear that was meant to bridge the loot gap between EoK raidloot ond RoS tier2 raidloot. it was a bit awkward you needed 2 diamonds though.
    There were enough diamonds in the chest, so it was actually worth it(in dkp) to make some of it, if you needed early gear upgrades.

    Dealing with 2 tiers of raidloot is too expensive with all those platsinks...:(
    Yinla and Syylke_EMarr like this.
  10. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    RoS was the best tiering. The ore design is the best way to create the items. Combine the two.
    Yinla and Tarvas like this.
  11. Evye Augur

    I've been saying this for a couple expansions. BIS items with cookie cutter names.
    Would love a random name generator on TS items so they at least feel unique.
  12. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    I honestly believe after raids are live and won in a day... there will be a lot of players seeking another game.
  13. Althalonas New Member

    This is one of my bugbears I have to say. I love the ore system though as it makes sure that there is solid flexibility on drops but what I don't get is why the ores make gear that is better than the drops.

    Why is it that the ore can't be used to make the same items. That way you could have the pleasure of looting an item from an event or mob or create the item that you need to fill a gap in your equipment. Making the Tradeskill Augs is great and I am sure there could be some additional options on focus or stats but having the TS armour much better just means no one cares in the end about anything else.

    So in essence an Ore from a named or missions would make any T2 gear for you and an Ore from a Raid would make a T3 piece of gear. That way we could still have the names etc. Surely the designers must be gutted that all their interestingly named gear just gets used for tribute, and I don't even mean once the next expansion is out.

    My raid bow is cool but totally uninspiring being called a Velium Endowed Compound Bow I'll forget it the moment I get a ToL raid bow. I will literally never forget looting and desiring my Tolan's Longsword of the Glade - never.
    Flatchy, Yinla and Wdor like this.
  14. Flatchy Court Jester

    Oh Yeah! I remember looting that Morguecaller back when Anguish was current. You would have thought I just hit the lottery.
    Zeelot likes this.
  15. Zeelot Elder

    I agree with this post. Things were a lot more interesting with unique items. Unique and new procs and clickies were nice also. The morguecaller is a great example.

    The CoV and ToL raid weapons basically have the exact same weapon procs with like a 100 damage difference on proc damage. They just added a bit more damage on and gave them a different generic name.
  16. Evye Augur

    Here is another thought.
    If I create the weapon LET ME NAME IT.
    Flatchy likes this.
  17. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Unique is cool, but it has to be rare enough of a drop that other gear isnt ignored and rotted off to alts.
    Elysania likes this.