Too fast exp rate, too many boxes on Agnarr, more like easy mode than casual server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Leialuna, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. Thorondor Augur

    P99 had multiple year unlocks rates, and I still leveled from 1 to 60 in the kunark era in under 2 weeks there.....
  2. Leialuna New Member

    I have played on p99 for a few months and it is suppose to has the same exp rate back in 1999 or 2000 eq. If you can level from 1 to 60 in under 2 weeks, you must be probably playing like 12 hours a day, lol.
  3. Leialuna New Member

    I think it is hardly casual when it only allows 3 months for you to finish everything(including leveling) in one expansion for a casual player, lol. Remember back in the old times, we have almost a year between expansions and at that time we actually have more free time unlike nowadays. Also, forcing you to do limited things in a limited time is not something I can call it enjoyable. Competitive players may like it but not for casual players.
  4. Xanathol Augur

    The XP is just fine but the lockouts / release should be extended - two if not three fold. If you are on Agnarr expecting to race to the next thing, you are on the wrong server (or a miserable krono / RMT farmer).
  5. Ultrazen Augur

    Leave my damn server alone.
    Rhodz likes this.
  6. Wayylon Augur

    60 in 2 weeks was only possible with Chardok AE, which p99 has nerfed hard.

    I leveled one toon from 1-60 on p99 and the grind was real.

    So 2 weeks 1-60 legit, without bard swarming or Chardok AE is impossible....
  7. Wayylon Augur

    No you didn't.
  8. Leialuna New Member

    Yea, I know it is the wrong server for me. But I just love EQ so much that I decided to subscribe a month and play on Agnarr in my almost 2 weeks vacation. This time, I played more than 10 hours a day(EQ is still the only game that can make me spend so much time) and leveled a character to 50 like a competitive player, lol. However, I have got to leave EQ again for at least 2 months and I doubt I will come back because kunark will already be released at that time and I lost the chance to experience the end game content in classic EQ at lv 50 again. And probably, I can only enjoy the leveling experience in kunark even I subscribe to play on Agnarr again but not its end game content.

    Still, I like leveling in EQ a lot but it is just sad that it is the only thing I can enjoy as a casual player when the game has so much more content. Several ELP servers that locked in different expansions should be able to solve this.

    I actually don't expect they are going to change the current setting on Agnarr but more like a suggestion to reduce box on the next server. If they are not going to block a range of IP like P1999, maybe changing the exp rate will help to reduce the number of box too. But I can't say it is actually a really good measure because it affects the leveling experience.
  9. Tinytinker Augur

    Having several servers locked in different expansions would spread the population out too much and take up a lot of resources.
  10. Leialuna New Member

    Yea, it is surely one of the main concern but if it is done carefully, it is not impossible. Agnarr is a good start that locked in PoP and we will see if the population goes stable or a great drop after the final expansion is released. And judging from the population on Agnarr, it should be able to fill in at least two or three servers to high population at the same time. Also, ELP server aims to increase the population by attracting more old casual player back to EQ like what Agnarr is doing(but three months an expansion is actually more hardcore from my point of view). And the point of ELP server is to maintain a stable population by locked expansion instead of losing large population on a TLP server after the most popular expansion was released. I can subscribe for those servers for a few years if I don't have to worry about being unable to catch up with the server because it is locked.
  11. snailish Augur

    Casual players never finish anything in era, if they are truly casual. If you are playing a couple of 2 hourish sessions of EQ a week you are very casual. If you play every day for 3 hours... not sure that's casual --though some seem to apply the label to anyone not raiding.

    My Agnarr main is level 17. If the launcher was working I might be 20 by now. I haven't been spending time on alts... I play casually. I probably don't hit level cap in era until the PoP lock has been a while. I would have been fine with 4 or 5 month unlocks, but Ragefire and Lockjaw have shown that 6 month unlocks really yo-yos the population. That may not matter as much in the Agnarr situation, but I doubt we'll ever see anything longer than 4 month unlocks again.
  12. Rhodz Augur

    The whole "in era" thing really did not turn out to be as big a deal as people make it out to be.
    In fact at this point I would say the results of that mindset end up fairly toxic to any long term prospects a TLP server may present as this really only applies to raiding(boring IMO) and Epics(boring AF) which by PoP are largely passe.
    In reality people were having fun with pickup Naggy raids even past PoP so what the big deal really is I have no idea.
    Working as intended?
  13. Risiko Augur

    Here we go again. Someone wants to change the rules AFTER the server is already in motion.

    Every single TLP server (and I do mean EVERY SINGLE ONE) has had an army of forum posters that want the rules changed.

    You knew the server rules coming in to the server. Stop trying to have it changed.

    If you want a SLOW experience TLP server, Phinigel is your server.

    If you want a SLOW expansion unlock TLP server, Lockjaw is your server.

    If you want a boxable TLP server, Ragefire is your server.

    If you want a 12 week expansion unlock / better than Phinigel experience / Planes of Power locked TLLP server, Agnarr is your server.

    You have options.
    Illusory likes this.
  14. daffie999 Augur

    So first, there are many different people here and if if forums have taught us anything it's that everyone has their own ideas of the "perfect" game/server. I like Agnarr, but I can certainly respect others views... but the moment people start saying "this is the wrong way, my way is better" they look like an entitled .

    You're a bit contradictory with your request for more casual, but you want slower XP and a longer timeline. Faster XP and a shorter timeline simply provides the same thing but in LESS time... which to me is a lot more casual. I am 38. I want to get back to LDON before I die! And the idea of eliminating truebox? That would make it even less casual.

    To me it sounds like you want a fresh P99 server and you want to exclude anyone who plays more than you. Sounds unrealistic.
    Risiko likes this.
  15. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    If you like slow exp, phinny is just around the corner. :rolleyes:
    Risiko likes this.
  16. Machentoo Augur

    For another week, and then it probably won't be slower than Agnarr any more.
  17. Thorondor Augur

    To be fair, she's also got some fantastic ideas about progressive expansion-locked servers where everyone else stands around countining the blades of grass in innothule before eventually gathering up the courage to tackle a froglok in front of Guk.

    Where a player can go afk for weeks/months/years, and the rest of the playerbase stops leveling, waiting in anticipation for her half-hearted return, and groups flow like the chocolate river flowing through gumdrop isle no matter what quest she endeavors to pick up, no matter what time she (eventually) decides to do it. Where players walk hand in hand, with epics holstered, and festive songs fill hearth and hallow.
  18. Tinytinker Augur

    I think the only thing that will make Leialuna happy is a permanent classic server that locks at level 50, has super slow experience or a TLP server that takes a year to unlock expansions....

  19. Lankie Augur

    Someone should really test this. I think Phinny will still be the slowest XP even after GoD.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    It will. It's been stated by a dev. It'll be better, but still slower than Agnarr/RF/LJ.