ToL collector's edition...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Raltar, Sep 12, 2022.

  1. Raltar Augur

    I was thinking about upgrading the two accounts I have that don't have the collector's edition since it's on sale and I noticed there is a Bloodbound satchel included. Now, I bought the premium edition on my main account a few months back and I didn't get any Bloodbound satchel, even though it says I should have gotten two. What gives?
  2. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Well, did you claim it, and do you have an alt you might have put it on?
  3. Raltar Augur

    I, like, on the website it shows a blood red bag, right? And I assumed it would be blood red in game. But the bag is purple in game. And I have two of them because I didn't look at the name of the bag, I was just looking for a blood red bag.