TOFS Key 3

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by DillyBar, Sep 18, 2022.

  1. DillyBar Augur

    This is the one where you go around and hail mobs and deliver items you get from hailing to other mobs. If you die during it, it resets. Question is, if I leave partway through and sit in the GL and afk a bit, will that reset it?
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Anything that resets your cached zone data, so yes. Progress is not stored on character.
  3. DillyBar Augur

    Bummer. Ok,thanks for clarifying it.
  4. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    You can cheese that key with a level 70 Rogue Goblin shroud if you didn't know. Someone posted a guide on youtube, works like a charm.