ToFS 4th Floor pathing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Triconix, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Triconix Augur

    There are a few minor things I've seen bugged or overlooked, which is pretty inconsequential, but the pathing in ToFS 4th floor (the maze) is just laughably horrible. I literally stood next to a named, aggroed it and watched it run literally the opposite direction of me, take a lap around the hallway, aggro all the mobs in the area (totalled to around 12 by the time it was done), to finally arrive back at me with his friends and just annihilate the group. This wasn't no one-off thing. If a mob is in an area where it can navigate multiple paths to arrive at the same destination - whether it's 5 feet or 100 ft away from the target - it will normally take the long way around.

    Luckily I'm done with this entire zone so I'll never have to take another step in there if I don't want to, but this needs to get changed before a majority of the population arrive. You're going to have people trying to camp the key mob (which in and of itself is an entirely different issue seeing how it's going to be a major bottle neck for people as 3 PHs in the entire floor to spawn 1 named that drops the key to move on) and/or aug mob in this floor and getting trained left and right. Fortunately right now it's not too populated of a zone as most of the people are still working on general progression so there is time to get it fixed, but it definitely needs to be looked at. I have no less than 5 witnesses to this behavior as they were all in my group.

    As a positive, TOFS outside of the 4th floor, is probably the best zone in this expansion. The difficulty is on par with what I expect out of this expansion. Every other zone seems way under tuned, but ToFS is a pretty fun zone to be in. The key progression is interesting and changes in drastic ways at times, which involves some analysis to figure out and it's enjoyable to do.
    Yinla and Duder like this.
  2. Whulfgar Augur

    Noticed this like 3 or 4 days ago .. so what I did was just tanked everything where it stood.

    Easy nuff work around on it. Especially since not more then two mobs at any location that I seen to include the key droppers.
  3. Dewey Augur

    I thought it was a nifty feature. The mobs run and get help. You brought help, it thinks it needs help... Let it.

    With that being said as a puller you can direct your group on the proper path to take. Tag the mob and see the direction it runs. Then fd... If it is running the wrong direction then your group cleared the wrong path. Go back and clear to it from the other side.

    At least that was my experience. You can pull the mobs, you just need to know/learn their pathing.
  4. Triconix Augur

    Minus the fact I stood directly in front of the named and it high tailed it the opposite direction anyways. I was in melee range of it (I hit it initially).
  5. Nudia Augur

    This sounds like the Narmak spot on the east side of maze. We got sick of pulling him and getting 8-9 mobs and tried to kill it in place, which managed to somehow be worse and got 13-14 mobs.

    A full extended target window is fun, but not like this...
  6. Triconix Augur

    This isn't viable. The path the mobs take around consistent. Sometimes they go left, sometimes they go right, sometimes they go up, sometimes they go down. There were times I was tanking a few mobs, I back up a bit to get in closer to the group and the mobs just decide to scamper off down the hall way the other way when it was the only other direction to go. There's no rhyme or reason for their pathing. You just have to pray the mobs do what you want or hope to God in my case that my Grasp is up so I can force them where i want.
  7. svann Augur

    Pull with root!
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    Just keyed couple other friends. Stood directly in place did not move or any thing. Had zero issues. Could have been pure blind luck. Or could be that I was almost on top of the mob, an never moved once an did this on every mob I attacked.
  9. Whulfgar Augur

    Not max melee ranger literally almost on top of the mobs.
  10. Fian Augur

    I also agree that TOFS is best zone in the expansion.