TLP Server Update: April 8

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roshen, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Machen New Member

    Have their staffing availability changed in the last two years? Doesn't seem like devs or cs staff are working at 1 AM Pacific these days either. But keep throwing out irrelevant arguments.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  2. Nolrog Augur

    Are you able to provide some details on what would be included in the auto grant? I'm trying to plan my spending, and if possible, I would like to avoid buying something that will be autogranted in a few weeks.
  3. Machen New Member

    Hopefully Roshen can provide further detail, but judging from how the vote was worded, it should be all aa's up to four expansions behind the current expansion. So I'd expect everything through Prophecy of Ro when it goes live during SoD, with TSS aa's being granted when Underfoot launches, and so on.
  4. Bandok Augur

    That's how I read it too, Machen. The real question would be how it is applied to future progression servers (if any), since the vote made reference to that... but that part of it doesn't really impact Fippy and Vulak at all. (I'd expect the patch notes to say something to the effect of "The AA autogrant will now affect servers which have <insert expansion here> available." which would answer that question)
  5. Nolrog Augur

    Let's take Prophecy of Ro as an example. It had no AAs (neither did Dragons of Norrath or Buried Sea) so does it count?
  6. Machen New Member

    It's still an expansion, so as far as I know, yes.