TLP Item and Spell database

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Syntax, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Syntax New Member

    I created a spell and item search database for classic EQ. It currently lets you search Classic, Kunark, and Velious items by stats, damage, haste, and type. I'm not sure if I will go much further than that, but it's great for finding an item you need with a specific stat and getting a general idea of what is available.

    You can also search for spells by class, and type in order to see which spells are vendor purchased and which are researched, drops, or quested.

    Go ahead and check out and let me know what you think!
  2. Banuvan Augur

    If you could incorporate links in there or atleast have the classes that can use the items it would be bookmarked by me. Simple to use.

    Also, maybe i'm just old but using larger numbers would help too.
  3. Syntax New Member

    I'm plan to add the ability that hovering over or clicking an item it that will show more details including race/class/no drop/lore etc... Somewhat like in game tool tips.

    Also, by larger numbers do you mean font size?

    I could potentially increase the size of the result font but I like to keep it small so it reduces the size when you have a lot of items/fields.

    You can always zoom in your browser (ctrl+mousewheel up on most browsers) if you are getting old. =P
  4. Banuvan Augur

    A hover over option would be awesome. Yes I mean larger font lol.
  5. Jinpa Lhawang New Member

    Being able to select eras is crucial, thanks for taking that approach. As a Monk, I would like to be able to search for Monk gear... and Weight is an important thing for us, so adding the Weight stat would be helpful. So, filtering by Class (and by lesser extension, Race) and adding the Weight stats would be my feedback.

    Without the Class filter I am not sure I would use it yet.
  6. Jinpa Lhawang New Member

    Also, this would probably be a further refinement for later, but Equipment Options -> Type and Other -> Slot are often related. For instance, if I choose Jewelry, I should only be able to choose between Ear, Neck, Finger etc. There's just that implicit relationship between some things. The example I did was I looked for Armor with STR on it, upon noticing there was a Slot field, I changed it to Ear and got no results. Then I realized that I needed to change Armor to Jewelry.

    I am hesitant to suggest that all Ear slots are Jewelry (although maybe that's true?), but I would imagine you would have counts to determine if an option belongs in a dropdown or not. Could get heavy on the queries being run tho and bog down the site.
  7. Jinpa Lhawang New Member