Tips for a returning player?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by silverHawk82, May 29, 2016.

  1. silverHawk82 New Member

    I've been away from EQ for so long that I might as well be brand new. Does anyone have any tips that would be useful for someone like me? Like downloads or addons or customizations or anything else that players find essential nowadays. Thanks for any help.
  2. Borek-VS Augur

    Maps, basically. See links in my sig (and further links from them).
  3. SomeEQGuy Elder

    Check your alternate currency tab on the inventory screen. Loyalty tokens are accrued each month until you hit the cap. Spend them at the loyalty vendor in PoK to buy big bags (not really big but better than 8 slot bags you remember.) This helps a lot having to run back to town to sell your junk.

    Buy a J1 mercenary. It's better than the apprentice mercs. Do the J5 merc upgrade quest in ferrott the dream as soon as you can (85 I think.) Go for one of the smaller races unless you enjoy staring at a big fat - they tend to always be in the way. Across all your toon, use the same race for each type of merc (i.e. tank is always dark elf, healer is always dwarf.)

    Check the autogrant checkbox on the AA screen if you don't want to earn all the early AA's. If you are not gold, do some research before you do this. The AA caps for silver and free to play subscriptions don't interact well with autogrant (you get a bunch of useless stuff and then can't buy what you want because of the cap.)