Times Antithesis

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Theka, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. Theka Elder

    There is a serious problem with the rarity of this item we have not a single one in umpteen time raids. Seen like 7 chanter slow sticks numerous druid items and necro items. This needs to be adjusted at this rate i will never get one before GOD. FFS make this item drop more.
  2. malaki Augur

    It's not any more rare than many items, you just got the bad end of some variance within your very small sample size.
  3. Methismethat New Member

    Rng sucks but it's just rng. Our guild has gotten one every clear but once. Every shaman main has it and the next one is gonna go to some bot.
  4. Snomie Elder

    Our guild has also had a bunch of TA too, almost every main has one. At the same time we've seen 0 hammers from Quarm and 0 necro/wiz wands from CT. Meanwhile other guilds have seen tons of hammers and CT wands.

    It's just RNG. If you want the item that much than you should have been saving dkp for it to make sure you get one of the first few that drop. You never know when you'll get bad rng and not see a particular item for 2-3 months, that's why people save DKP and spend more for the early drops.
  5. Yace New Member

    Heard if you four split you get more loots. Ask Satoshi
  6. Kiani Augur

    It's just one of those things. You wouldn't want it to be too common, because then it'd be rotting, every alt would have one and you'd be complaining "Oh, not another TA". Class only items are a tricky thing to itemise.
  7. Original Citizen New Member

    Yeah come join us. Our favorite pastimes include: getting trashed by other guilds, grasping for reasons to remain relevant, exploiting content, making excuses for our many failures, recruiting every reject on the server and a stalker-esque obsession with AoS.

    You too can fail to measure up in every way yet still delude yourself into thinking you can hang with the big dogs. We're struggling hard to maintain our second place position and falling further behind in time gear each week but that's okay, we four split fippy darkpaw and have decreed that this week's metric of success.

    In our own imaginations we're the best at everything regardless of the fact that we had to exploit to achieve our singular notable server first. The other 50 or so we lost didn't count. Ask Satoshi.

    -kneeler of ogc
  8. AgentofChange Augur

    Long weekend coming up. You girls can probably fight it out all weekend if you want without anyone interfering.
  9. Someduder New Member

    Too much nerds in here, sorry you dont get any pixals. Lets make a post about our QQ....rofl silly kids
  10. Bewts Augur

    Random 1-32,000 produces a much longer run rates of the same result than Random 1-8.

    You'd need 32,000 runs to see it statistically "even" out the results whereas you'd observe a more diverse return in the 1-8 scenario.

    Statistically it may be the same odds, but we just don't clear enough spawns in a given time period to ever see something close to the expected distribution of results.

    That's the flaw of using large numbers in random number generators.
  11. Illusory Augur

    I wouldn't think that DBG solely uses a random number generator in their code. I've never seen their server-side code, but I'm willing to bet their algorithm for loot is a bit more complex than just creating a random generator object and calling a random number with a few methods. For example, when I code algorithms that use random numbers (typically for product keys etc,) I won't use just the random number generator.. I will also limit the number of times a range of numbers can appear based on criteria we define in our UML diagrams. This same concept can easily be used for an MMO NPC loot table.

    So for example you have 5 items that can drop from a boss NPC.

    1 - Ring of Power (5%)
    2 - Longsword of Justice (50%)
    3 - Book of Energy (10%)
    4 - Earring of Listening (10%)
    5 - Mask of Courage (25%)

    With the above example, you could easily write the chance an item might drop (which I've done.) Heck you could even go as far as to completely stop an item from dropping based on how many are currently on the server (raised in code by whats called an event.)

    I don't think the above would be far off from the actual loot tables code. Obviously, DBG devs correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there's a little more to it than just a psuedo random number. :)