Time for a server merge

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bony, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. Laronk Augur

    you and your propaganda blurred
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  2. Bigstomp Augur

    I have no interest in FV personally but can't blame them for plugging their server. I've done the same enough in this thread.
  3. Maltheus Elder

    Wipe ALL servers including TLP and start fresh. Only real answer. Kunark in 2016.
  4. Laronk Augur

    It was jokes, I have several max level characters on FV and I know blurred.
  5. Necromonious Augur

    First they all left Vox, and I did not speak up because Vox is not my server

    Then they all left Povar, and I did not speak up because Povar is not my server

    Then they all left Tunare, and I did not speak up because Tunare is not my server

    Then they all left MY server, and there was no one left to speak for me

    -- Pastor Martin Neimoller
    McDougal, Yimin and Motherlee like this.
  6. Crystilla Augur

    Using the progress forum and assigning a point system (1 point for each guild for each event in TDS), you would have the servers look something like this.

    Bristle - 5 guilds with a win in TDS (3 have cleared it) = 22
    AB - 4 guilds with a win in TDS (3 cleared it) = 19
    Povar - 4 guilds with a win in TDS (3 have cleared it) = 17
    Xegony - 4 guilds with a win in TDS (2 have cleared it) = 17
    Cazic - 4 guilds with a win in TDS (2 have cleared it) = 14
    Luclin - 4 guilds with a win in TDS (2 have cleared it) = 14
    Drinal - 3 guilds with a win in TDS (2 have cleared it) = 14
    FV - 3 guilds with a win in TDS (2 have cleared it) = 11
    Bertox - 3 guilds with a win in TDS (1 has cleared it) = 10
    Rathe - 3 guilds with a win in TDS (1 have cleared it) = 10
    Erollisi Marr - 3 guilds with a win in TDS (0 have cleared it though 1 guild has arx 1-4 down, 2 guilds have arx 1-3 down) = 10
    Tunare - 2 guilds with a win in TDS (1 has cleared it) = 7
    Vox - 1 guild with a win in TDS (0 have cleared it though the guild has arx 1-3 beaten) = 3
    Zek - 1 guild with a win in TDS (0 have cleared it though the guild only has arx 1 beaten and that was 8 months ago) = 1

    Fippy, Test - no wins = 0

    But there's always many more things than just size that should be taken into account liking matching specialty time zone servers if possible etc.
    Dre. and Numiko like this.
  7. Lingum Elder

    If you don't like the server you are on YOU ARE WELCOME TO MOVE WHEREVER YOU WANT. Why do people want to jack others for their own gain? I don't get it. If those of us on "dead servers" want to leave, WE WILL.

    I intentionally play on low population servers because it is as close to a private server as possible. I love playing on Vulak and Test. I hardly ever get bothered on test, and have never even hardly seen anyone on Vulak. It's perfect, and those of us on there are perfectly content.

    Stop scheming to screw people over that don't share your play style. You act like your fifteen bucks is somehow more valuable than mine; it isn't.
    Dre. likes this.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    LOL so instead you are trying to "jack" people out of more populated servers to serve YOUR play style. Both voices deserve to be heard but stop acting so self righteous. Everyone has a valid playstyle or desire for types of server. That being said Daybreak will go with keeping the majority happy and unfortunately I do not think that bodes well for low population servers. Your fifteen bucks is no more valuable then anyone elses either. Just saying.

    I also do not expect them to seriously look at server mergers until the summer is over.

    I also expect progression servers to be brought out constantly as long as they create more subscriptions.
    Motherlee likes this.
  9. Chorus Augur

    Except in the server merge proposition, it affects those who don't want it with no option to opt out; whereas, those who want a server merge could also transfer or create a character on a new server and problem solved without forcing their preference onto others or creating work for DBG. I also highly doubt they'll consider a merge in the next few years, so this is probably a moot point.

    Frankly, I think the over-arching problem here isn't server population, but the smaller expansion sizes of the last 2 years resulting in casuals burning through it in a very short time and raiders doing it in a month or less. The low population perception is very likely a symptom of that problem as what else is there for them to do after they gear up and complete the quest lines and max out aa counts. The TDS and CotF content isn't interesting enough to run alts through, except maybe 1 more time for the truly dedicated, which certainly aren't in my guild :p

    The upcoming expansion model, as currently expressed, seems to indicate that this will actually become worse in the near term, but time will tell. I have hopes it will turn out otherwise, but with all the transitioning going on lately I think it will be 2-3 years out before they get things back on track.
  10. Vlerg Augur

    Pain and Glory on Vox no longer exist ( well, the current-exp raiding guild... PnG is still around as a friend and family type guild playing in RoF I believe). so you can take those 3 points out.
  11. Sancus Augur

    Yeah there are a few guilds on that list that no longer exist, or at least no longer raid current content (Sol Invictus being another).
  12. Crystilla Augur

    Which are the others? I know Real Faith (on Erollisi Marr, though they aren't in the count above).
  13. Yimin Augur

    I really wish that is all it was , but not everyone in this big old world and I am talking about Earth play in Prime time North American hours , but I am sure you will have something to say about that as well ....

    YellowBelly and Motherlee like this.
  14. Motherlee Augur

    The number of guilds to have beaten the expansion appears well balanced and distributed. Given equal populations, they will prob. just merge them alphabetically with their nearest neighbors.

    The TDS devs deserve a round of applause for making the raids easy enough that every server has at least two guilds who can do it.
  15. Motherlee Augur

    Goddess, it's dead tonight (Friday) on Povar. What's it like on Ragefire and other servers?
  16. sifonin Augur


    Just wanted to add keepers of the elements/cestus dei alliance of luclin to this post. We have tds 1 down and the second one off. Just repping the alliance not taking away from your post .

  17. Bony New Member

    The only hole in these stats is that they are months outdated. In the past 6 months, there have only been a handful of CotF raids beaten on Vox. The current 2 raid guilds are struggling to even beat RoF T1/T2 due to low numbers and that is with joint raids.

    It's just getting to a point that unless you play on TLP servers, raiding will be fading away. Daybreak focuses their time on the servers with population cause that's where the money is. Even there they've buffed raid bosses to the point where you can only pet wall half the raids. The game is losing it's luster for me.
    Motherlee likes this.
  18. Stormfire New Member

    If you're losing interest in the game, perhaps you should move on, the rest of us on Vox don't need to be moved to fill your wants.
  19. Slasher Augur

    They should take 3 of the average servers and merge them into one. Drinal, Emarr, Tunare. Or Tunare, Emarr, Rathe.
    Motherlee likes this.
  20. YellowBelly Augur

    I was on Tunare the other day and was surprised to see guild lobby not lagged out. It seems like the population is really really shrinking.