This lag is crazy... Please feed the hamster

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Haizze, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Haizze New Member

    I can't invite folks to my group, I can't zone sometimes, chats are lagged 30-60 seconds...

    This has been going on for days, what gives?
    Miss_Jackie likes this.
  2. Aghinem Augur

    This is simply speculation; but Sony Online Pictures has been under cyber assault lately by hackers. Now I am not certain how this affects SoE; but being its all part of the same company - deductive logic would tell me its one of the reasons. This is why I don't leave my account info with SoE and simply make use of game cards or krono. Too much data out there.
    Lisandra likes this.
  3. Romance Augur

    I have not been experiencing any lag personally.
  4. Schadenfreude Augur

    It could be specific to FV but trust me it's truly spectacular Olympic-class lag.
  5. Iila Augur

    Good thing the op included that relevant info.
  6. Robnie Augur

    Am I the only one who figured it out by noticing Miss Jackie was the only one to like the post and knowing they she was on FV?
  7. Fanra

    Bertox server had some server lag during raiding Saturday night.
  8. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    I know, right? :p
  9. Manapause Journeyman

    This has been a consistent issue for the past few days on FV.

    Communication is lagging (/gu, /tell, /say, chat channels, etc.)

    Zones across Norrath are now denying entry on a consistent basis.

    Quests are lagging and bugging out.

    I've witnessed lags of up to 20 seconds or so in group, repeatedly.

    This is not a personal computer issue. It is a server wide issue that is hampering the enjoyment of the game for many people. PLEASE can we get a server reset if that will fix the issue or can you wave your magic wand and make the lag go away?
    Lisandra and Miss_Jackie like this.
  10. sojuu Augur

    Emarr was getting lag pretty bad sat night too, was so bad we had to call off raids.
  11. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    It was during the Bixie1 raid and looked specific to the event, boss. In addition to the lag, it was bugging because we got the wrong kind of adds during the Warchanter phase.
  12. Lisandra Augur

    I'm not sure if they share an internal company wide network but Sony Pictures Entertainment is located in Culver City, CA & SOE is in San Diego, CA so they aren't in the same building & definitely not on the same physical network. Also the servers themselves are in Las Vegas, NV so they also aren't on the same physical network as either SPE or SOE.
  13. Tatankawolfdancer Elder

    Seems a bug report or post in the tech support forum would do a LOT more good than posting here.
  14. Maedhros High King

    Cazic has been fairly laggy lately for me as well. Have heard some guildmates expressing the same frustrations.
  15. Marshall Maathers Augur

    A week or two ago we had to skip farming Bixie1 on CT because the instance itself was lagging so badly. No other zone was lagging.
  16. Garanle Elder

    We have been seeing lag quite a bit on Xegony on Sunday and Wed nights when raiding. Last sunday we almost lagged out of the Bixie raid (we were lucky but 15 in raid lagged out of the zone completely on the last boss). A few times running ToR a section of the raid lags, or pings go above 250. Same happens on Wed, I assume they cost reduced the Infrastructure or moved it to a pay on demand service.
  17. Marshall Maathers Augur

    We had multiple issues with ToR as well. One which killed all our mini tanks. We haven't been able to replicate this one like we did with the Bixie1 one though.