Thinking about Returning Casually - Class Advice

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Grinde, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Crystilla Augur


    What you're seeing here is various viewpoints. A class is as fun as you make it - regardless of how extreme/far you take learning every inch of the class. And there is no right or wrong answer necessarily.

    For me, I have a hoot when I bring out my SK or shaman (both 40-50's range) or my ranger or enchanter (level 100), but I suck at actually playing any of them exceptionally well. But I still have a ball doing what I like to do, using some of the abilities.

    Some personalities aren't happy unless they can dissect every inch of a class to its simplest form. Others just like to enjoy some of the spells and AA's a class gets but is bored by knowing too many details. Neither is right or wrong. So ultimately you can take the information people, including myself, have shared, figure out the class with the abilities that you think you'll find the most interesting and then try it. Nothing wasted but time if you find out a certain class isn't the one for you - or if you find you like to switch between classes (classically known in EQ as alt-itis). It's your time :)
    Trellium and Quatr like this.
  2. Quatr Augur

    Yes, very much so. I have done some charming with my Enchanter alt and it was a bit too intense for my taste, but it may be a perfect fit for someone else. The good thing about charming is that you can get by with relatively few AAs, so you can stay Silver for a long time.
  3. Grinde Journeyman

    Same as it always was. I'm familiar with all of the classes, seeing how I played for quite awhile at launch through PoS, so the enchanter's struggles aren't lost on me. I'll never nuke like I did on my wiz. Heck, I may find myself in constant danger with the Chanter. But holy cow will it be fun to watch my mana bar fill up quicker! :p

    Really, the reason I posed the questions was the way the game changed. I have a magician, level 53, that I had fun with. But in honesty, the ease bores me. My wiz bored me because of the root/nuke/haul butt strategy. The enchanter seems most plausible of all of my choices given replies and what I know, it seems challenging, entertaining and rewarding. I think it's the way I almost HAVE to go.

    Thanks for all of the words and help, positive and negative, everyone. It all helped my decision.
    moogs likes this.
  4. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Translation, if you play an Enchanter, the way Dandin plays his Enchanter - then it is a job. :D
    That said, he's a very good resource for technical matters regarding Chanter abilities.
    Also Qest (while not a number-cruncher ala Dandin) is very good at Enchanter tactics and instincts.
    This is a class that "you get out of it what you put into it". Enjoy!
    Dandin likes this.
  5. Gladare Augur

    I'd say he's an unreliable source.
  6. Trellium Elder

    I have had an enchanter since late 1999, and am still only 81. That should put me pretty firmly into the "casual" enchanter class :D . At various time I was doing a lot of grouping, or raiding, or solo/molo. The only time I didn't like the enchanter was raiding because I was bored to bits.

    For grouping and solo/molo, it is my favorite class with Bard close behind. Great at pulling, lots of AA's to work on, lots of different ways to play. I play lots some days, sometimes not at all. Either way, the enchanter is a lot of fun.

    But, it also depends on the person playing and your goals. If you are someone wanting to maximize your class (AA's, gear, spell rk.III's, etc) then it can be a long haul without a lot of work, and from what I hear some ups and downs for power. Those issues have never really hit me in any meaningful way when I solo/molo/group.

    The great thing is it isn't hard to play a class up a ways and then try another class. You can start one on test server and use /testb to get you to level 25 instantly with spells and see how you like it at that level.