There is no end-game for non raiders?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Coldmouth, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Aeonblade Very Hungry Vah Shir

    This is why I haven't been rushing to level 100 lately and have been doing older content/raids/quests that I always wanted to get done before but never seemed to have the time.

    Level 100 for non raiders is pretty bad from most I have talked to currently, and I have never been big on achievements because the points don't really do anything for your character statistically speaking. Titles are nice I suppose, but other than that achievements have no point to me personally. Someone with 2000 AP can be a better player than someone with 15000 AP because...well...they mean nothing.

    Telling someone achievements is the end game is the silliest thing I have ever heard, it doesn't increase your power at all and banestrike is far too low damage to be considered worth the time invested imo.
  2. a_cleric00 Lorekeeper

    It's not that achievements are endgame, it's that achievements sort of (poorly) track how much of the game you have experienced. So the more points you have the more you have done, and the fewer you have, the more you can still experience. The point is that the game is much more than the rush to level 100 with max AA's and best in slot gear -- it's much more.
    Geroblue and noclue like this.
  3. Aeonblade Very Hungry Vah Shir

    I can see that being true for a new player, good point, but as someone who has played for 14 years, I can tell you that I have already seen everything I care to see from original up to VoA. The achievements only track what I have seen from RoF release on however.

    I see your point for a new player, but what about those of us who have been here for a while and don't raid? Achievement points have never interested me personally, the type of player I am needs more than empty points for something to do. But I can see both sides of this, point well taken sir.
    a_cleric00 likes this.
  4. a_cleric00 Lorekeeper

    I'm someone who plays off and on because real life sometimes gets in the way (rolled my first character in 99). For me achievements are a great way to track what I've missed in the expansions. Otherwise I would be doing a ton of research on alla's trying to figure out what each expansion was about. I rather enjoy getting to max level and then going and experiencing that which I have missed.
    Aeonblade likes this.
  5. Naugrin Augur

    I Don know if you have, but if not...

    Go back and do all the old raids you can. There has been some truly great content over the years.
  6. Dabrixmgp Augur

    Everquest has always been about raiding. Just go back and look at group gear vs raid gear for the first 10 expansions or so. Massive difference. Even now level 90 raid gear is on par with level 100 group gear.
  7. hakmer Augur


    the whole game is pointless with this attitude.. why bother? it;s all make believe anyway...the point they are making is if you rush to max level their is alot more to the game than max level, just because you choose not to do it does not make it pointless in any manner or fashion. It's still working toward a goal and hopefully achieving that goal. If achieving goals is pointless to you, then we all know where your lot in life lays.
  8. Aeonblade Very Hungry Vah Shir

    ...What? Just because my goals in game don't involve achievement points doesn't mean I don't have a goal haha. It just means achievement points aren't my goal. If you are going to attack someone on forums, at least have something to say that makes sense.
  9. CrazyLarth Augur

    go play the baz game and make a 1 mil pp- win EQ
    Oxgoad likes this.
  10. Vlerg Augur

    there's isn't much more to do in the raiding game. lots of guild are clearing all current 8 raid within a single night ( and have been since the release).

    I'm gonna go with Stubar: people complained content was too hard, too complex, required too much time. Dev listened, made everything easy, simple and short... result: people run out of content super quick. ( it's especially worse since the lvl 85 HAs are the same as the lvl 100 one... )
  11. Cicelee Augur

    Easy content makes everyone winners within a month.

    Hard content provides challenges and creates situations when you win four months later.

    I remember when console games would take weeks and weeks to figure out and win at. Nowadays you spend $60 and beat the game six hours later.

    But hey, everyone is a winner quickly. Instant gratification FTW! Or is it really FTL...
  12. Xirtket Augur

    The only reason it takes so long to get raid gear vs. group gear is that you're gearing 54+ people in most cases from 1 chest, then you have lockouts, give the group game 5 day lockouts on tasks and limit the currency they get from tasks if you want it to be even.
  13. Axxius Augur

    Really? Could you name a few of those "lots"? Not just RoI or MS, but "lots". Very curious here.
  14. Mykaylla Augur

    While I don't know about lots, I know that Ring of Valor have single night clears, and Fu World Order do it in two deliberately so they can have two early-end nights.
    At 7th and 9th on beating the expansion, I would expect that the guilds above them should be capable of doing so. Whether they choose to or not is another matter- some people prefer more nights that are short (like Fu), some would rather have one full raid day and more days off.
  15. Axxius Augur

    We also choose to do CotF in 2 short nights instead of 1 long one.
    So I'd like to call bs on that statement.
  16. Vlerg Augur

    Fine. 2 short raid night instead of 1 long one, if you prefer that... in the end it's the same thing. 1 long 5-6 hours night or 2 shorter 2-3 hours one... aka very few content, just like the issue the OP talked about.

    you can add Enceladeus from Bertox, Pain and Glory from Vox aswell.

    since Pain and Glory isn't even in the top 20, I'll assume the other 19 can do it in a single night aswell ( or 2 shorter raid night, just for you Mr. Axxius)
  17. Izcurly Augur

    Still, claiming that what's possible is the same thing as what's done has the net effect of making anything else said less believable, since we must assume that's an exaggeration as well.
  18. Vlerg Augur

    I'm not quite sure what's the big issue between '' 1 long raid night and 2 shorter ones?'' from Axxius mouth: ''We also choose to do CotF in 2 short nights instead of 1 long one'' implying they are totally able to do it in 1 night. do you doubt that Fu World Order or those guild who choose to do it in 2 short night couldn't do it in a single one?

    the opening post was about not enough group content, '' Latent Ether armor will take me like 3 days to get max, along with all the other Heroic Adventure gear slots.'' I merely stated that the raiding scene wasn't exactly filled with content either.

    would ya'll feel better if I edited my post, changing '' one night'' by '' 5 to 6 hours per raid cycle, wich is far less time compared to doing all heroic mission once?''

    I feel like I touched a sensitive cord here.. are the 1-night guild mocking the 2-nights guild or something like that?
  19. Khat_Nip Meow

    In Inverse Logic since we normally raid 3 days a week we still split everything up over the course of 3 days in order to maintain consistency.
    Sure we could knock it out in a night but there's no compelling incentive to.
  20. Bardy Elder

    There is no end game, you never catch the dragon. You get bigger and badder, only to fight bigger and badder mobs. You never really gain any power compared to what you fight for exp. Kinda hits you sometimes and you wonder why you keep doing it.