The War on Boxing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Corwyhn Lionheart, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. strikemaster Journeyman

    Or the War on Women or the War on the Poor or any of these things that are being held "hostage". Its all part of the political speak nonsense becoming part of everyday language
  2. iniari-TR Augur

    soe would surely lose a ton of subscriptions if they removed the ability to box.
    while i do not box - i neither have the skill nor the comp to do so, im only against those that set up a box team just to go afk and xp while the zone gets all laggy.

    there was an attempt by the devs to discourage afk xping ( still technically an exploit but not enforced ) , and the use of mercs , by changing the way we think of a camp as a static location on the side of some hill and pulling mobs to it all day. by making groups need to continually move around and lots of roaming / see invs mobs. and lots of trivial mobs that summon and nameds with raid-like effects / mechinisms. - this design plan i thought didnt work too well and players were unhappy about them.

    boxing isnt so much the result of EQ changing as it is with the players themselves changing.
    instead of a game with 250k teenagers running around and killing mobs all day , we now have 50k older folks each with 2 or 3 accounts logging on during some freetime.

    soe cant make EQ a game that would make everyone play according to one type of playstyle nor would the players enjoy such a game.
  3. Tunks Journeyman

    let me get this straight...

    1. you're mad because there are events in a game that require a player to react to them
    2. you play more than one character at a time
    3. you can't react fast enough on multiple characters to the events designed to present at least some form of challenge to players who are only playing one character

    what are you asking, for them to make it easier? not everyone boxes entire groups homie, it's nice to have a little challenge every now and then when you're playing your main...

    you can't REALLY expect to be able to play multiple characters to the same potential you can play one character with 100% of your focus, right?
    Pirlo likes this.
  4. silku Augur

    It seems they went back to that design. Places like Chapterhouse of the fallen are cram packed full of wandering mobs. You can have a 'static' camp but you gotta be ready for respawns etc. Definitely a fun zone, and it's good to need CC again, but there aren't a lot of safe places to set up to fight. The hardest part we've had so far was getting the heart downstairs for one of the tasks. The guy is in a cell and there had to be at least 15 wanderers (that or they respawn instantly). I had 3 mezzed and we had one fighting when he respawned the second time. Eventually we just zergged him and CC until we could kill him, then mem blurred and went invis till he spawned again. Very tough area.
  5. Leerah Augur

    Oh yeah. I did when I was raiding. When they went off, I ran like heck!
    We have a colorblind (totally) guildy who can't see mobs in certain zones (Beasts Domain is bad.) Other than avoiding those zones and turning up his contrast, got a suggestion for him?
    Sorry for derail there. I should make a thread called, "The Differently Abled Player." :)

    *.Lee of Povar