The new ore types(nos)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by smash, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    People complain about everything. Your post is meaningless. They likely didn't like the simplified reward structure that took the excitement out of seeing what dropped.

    Game devs talk about the player response to dropped item versus generic craft item, and player response is always strongest towards the dropped item, higher highs and lower lows but more emotional response.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It isn't meaningless when you see them make changes time and time again in response to players complaints. This seems like a pretty clear response to people being able to get BIS item for any slot based on a single drop from a raid by changing it so it is slot specific just like every other one.

    People complain about them changing things that are "not broke" while ignoring the fact that there where players complaining about the system being broken.
  3. Slasher Augur

    The new way has nothing to do with complaints about the old system broke or not broke. Its 100% about making the grind to gear up take longer to keep players engaged in the content longer. Anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish.
  4. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Again, you have no basis for your post. People complained about every aspect of the game, even the changes in Beta and here we are. Chalking change up to a couple complaints isn't a valid argument.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I would disagree, the complaint was that the old system let people pick BIS for any slot from a single drop and it was changed to each drop can only make a single slot or item type within that slot. Considering how many expansions they had been running the old system with one drop makes any item I find it hard to believe that the change isn't related to the complaints.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The fact that they changed a system that has been in use for many expansions to a new one that directly addresses the complaints that a single item can make the BIS item for any slot? The new system makes it for a slot/item type which directly addresses the complaints that players had been making.
  7. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Because it's an unnecessarily confusing and stupid change after literally YEARS of universal ores?
  8. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    My assumption for finesse would be for light/leather hand slot or an agility augment, but I know they stick to glove normally. Power is pretty vague, my first thought is always Ring of Power as a fantasy nerd but I'd have to look it up the first time.
    Svann2 likes this.
  9. Fanra

    To create augmentations, the same process is used as for items. The mob drop is called Acolyte's, Devotee's, or Otherworldly Focus.

    Type 18/19
    Main article: Type 18/19 augmentations > Night of Shadows
    Type 4/7/8 and Type 5
    Main articles: Type 4/7/8 augmentations > Night of Shadows, Type 5 augmentations > Night of Shadows
    Nennius likes this.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    As we near October, I am genuinely curious if players are still struggling to get apparitions. Because as a raider, apparitions are starting to rot- even for alts. I do feel that groupers should have an opportunity to buy apparitions, similar to how raiders can to fill in a couple missing slots. Maybe mission currency can also be used to buy group apparitions, like it does type 5 augments? I would love if they increased the currency drop from missions so that groupers can buy apparitions, but I know that is also going to mean raiders don't have to do 200 missions or whatever and they may be bored in April instead of grinding in August- so I get the cost.

    I also brought up the point in the thread when the expansion came out- yes it would be nice for a lore tab to say something like "This essence creates a weapon of such power, two hands are needed to wield". Or something similar instead of "Essence of Power" and we have to guess
  11. Zunnoab Augur

    My alt got one of the cloak augs due to this early on. No one knew what the heck it was for, and assumed it was for group gear.
  12. Nennius Curmudgeon

    You've been listening to talk radio again. Right? Anyway, people who complain are many times more likely to post and post. Sad, but true. During COVID I saw a LOT of angry people when I was allowed out of my families compound. So much so that I decided to take an opposite tack and be more complimentary. I have made friends because of it.

    Anyway, complaining about video games is one of life's great constants. When I played Zork on a mainframe at SDSU there were complaints. I personally think that somehow the universe depends upon complaints to keep functioning. And the baby is awake and complaining. Be safe all. At least this complaint isn't about anything digital.
  13. Cadira Augur

    Like the implied logic that an arms lining makes....arm armor?

    If someone rolls on something they're not sure they need, you need to avoid that person like the plague for a lot of other reasons, too. And if you are that person....well...

    For the third time, I support them putting it in the lore tab. I don't support people asking dumb questions they can easily answer themselves with common sense. Which doesn't amount to anything other than me complaining about dumb people.
  14. Grove Augur

    In the field, the situation is something like this:
    What is it?
    Do I have it now? No need for duplicates, usually.
    The aug things. This is harder. There are about four or five options. Some of them are not useful.
    The other players in the group are making the same decisions... or want to get on with the kills.
    Nennius likes this.
  15. Fanra

  16. Cicelee Augur

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think on Expansion Launch Day 1 that players who were not in Beta were confused if they killed a named and an Arm Apparition dropped (or whatever the group is called, Essence of Arms or whatever). They probably also were not all that confused if an Essence of Amice dropped (again, whatever the shoulders were called) since Amice was generally thought of as being the shoulder slot. Or Essence of Belt Buckle.

    But a person, not involved at all with Beta, kills a named on day 1 and sees an Otherworldly Essence of Heroism. How are they supposed to look at that and say "OOO type 5 augment!"

    Players just want a little better in game description for some of the items is all, regardless of how smart or dumb they are.
    Yinla likes this.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The problem is not all of the TS items are as straight forward as that. There are items such as finesse and power that do not have a clearly defined name as to what slot/item type they make. You seem to be focusing on the items that are clearly labeled and not the items that are being used as examples that people ask about.
    Yinla, Zunnoab and Nennius like this.
  18. Zunnoab Augur

  19. tsiawdroi TittyGOAT

    It's like a ranger making the warrior bow or a warrior making the knight one hander.... This game and all its options and choices.. Yet, these above scenarios did happen this year =p
  20. Knifen Augur

    I guess each person as a different experience. I found this expansion was way faster and easier to gear up not just on mains but on bots. With only select people say going in on say a specific apparitional type rather than 100% of the guild bidding on the generic ore to make any slot, I got myself and my bot gear faster. We have multiple types of apparitional ore that rots for bots now and more then enough coin to buy missing slots as needed.