The middle levels, 55-85

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Motherlee, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Motherlee Augur

    Seems as if all the zones and tasks we used to use for experience have been nerfed or the XP has been reduced to levels where you don't want to even bother going out. Don't suggest the hot zones! Details on their problems were in another thread.

    I'm thinking Bastian of Thunder til 65. Any ideas after that? Maybe we'll get new hot zones in October.
  2. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Hero's Journey tasks through TSS then over to SoD and finally HoT.
  3. Makelite Augur

    I usually do GE to 60/62ish and from there it's always a toss up. To me, 65 to 80 is the pits but luckily once you hit 75 you can jump on HAs and then it's snoozefest up to 100. I'm not a fan of any of the content between those levels but do find WoS to be a good grind zone starting at 68ish.
  4. Picaresque Augur

    From your electronic message to DBG's ears . . . [hot zones]

    I have a similar problem, although I found for melee types, The Hole was awesome (especially with LotD) from about 61 to 69, with the added advantage of raising a bunch of platinum.

    But from there, it has been a chore so far. WoS is OK, mostly because of Teek and the Hot Zone and the fact that the mobs just are not all that tough in general. DSH is OK, at 70-72, but again, the farm is a lot of mind numbing kills and runs to Siggie for your 1+% exp bonus. I feel a little like Slowhand, hitting a wall at around 72-73.

    That 3900 SC expenditure looks increasingly enticing . . .

    Where is a good place from here? So far, I have heard: The Steppes, The Buried Sea, WoS. Toons at 72 are: Paladin, Monk, Ranger, Bard
  5. Feradach Augur

    Head down to Infected Paw for a few levels, then go to Loping Plains for the worg and orc kill tasks.
    Motherlee and Mayfaire like this.
  6. Gandaalf New Member

    Hole 65-70ish if you can handle it. The 2 mobs at the door by where you drop in respawn like every 2 mins and is a favorite spot for Merc AFKing, but there are a decent amount of mobs all the way to the castle.

    70-73ish Fire C1-C2 I think those levels still do well there. You will have endless mobs if you can pull the whole castle(s). Not sure if it is still perma-camped since the HS nerf a few yrs back. I did about 3k AAs there on Ranger in a few weeks back in the day before the nerf. Again...not sure if that spot is still perma-camped. Just watch out for roaming Raid mobs in the field between C1-C2

    Another spot 70-75 is an instanced version of The Nest. Drakes are wimps and they respawn quick enough depending on your DPS. Back when TSS was new, I remember grinding to 75 in Nest missions pretty quickly.

    Lot of older zones still have tons of XP to give. People have just gotten so used to the huge XP bumps from the Teek missions, I think they are spoiled a bit from that and Partisan quests at higher levels. I remember 70-85 as a grindfest but damn its been what 7 yrs since 85?

    I remember that min/maxing was always a doomed proposition in EQ...a lot of that has carried over from WoW and other games. As people try to do that in EQ, they are often frustrated because this game was never designed to be min/maxxed.


    65-70 Hole

    70-73ish Fire C1/2

    70-75 Instanced Nest

    Not the 'Fastest' route but plenty of fun and gets you out to see more of the world that has been 'forgotten'
  7. Mayfaire Augur

    Paw is still one of my favorite zones. :)
  8. Iila Augur

    I dragged groups all the way to paw for one reason: Manastones work there.
    Borek-VS and Random_Enchanter like this.
  9. Laronk Augur

    at 75 you can go to fort mech and come out at 85
    Motherlee likes this.
  10. Motherlee Augur

    That's their plan. When it was new, xp in Wall of Slaughter was better than it is now. I hit 65 on the efreetis in BoT, 70 in WOS and 75 in MPG.
  11. Brohg Augur

    When WoS dries up, you can go to animals in SoD zones. Field of Scale and Toskirakk.
  12. Motherlee Augur

    Too hard. I'd have to take an 85 along to guard them.
  13. Brohg Augur

    from what? their own carelessness?
  14. Leex Pewpewer

    Why in the world did you use MPG to hit 75 instead of DoN nest instances? SO much quicker at the time.

    Should have gone at least to RSS.
  15. Motherlee Augur

    DON came after MPG. RSS required snaring or crowd control. I DID spend a lot of time in RSS getting heatstones of memory.
  16. Ghilran Lorekeeper

    I logged back my rogue after 10ish years and did 67-69 in WoS pretty easily (well, it required an heroic cleric for it to be doable at all). I'm playing on tlps so i only play him when i have nothing better to do.

    I'm a bit confused as to all the zone names tho, care to put the complete name and extension? For instance does fire means plane of fire?

    Also my rogue had a laughable amount of AA back then (100ish) do i need to grind them as i go, or will i just gather the few thousands i'm missing after i hit max level?
  17. Motherlee Augur

    Just grind to 90. Turn on autogrant when you are a Gold subscriber. It will catch up all your AA for you.

    We'll try harder on the abbreviations. Thanks for reminding us. And welcome back to the best community ever!
    Ghilran likes this.
  18. Motherlee Augur

    DON- Dragons of Norrath. It was the best organized, most logical progression, expansion. Faction mattered. It gave us better dragon models and a charming Asian motive.

    The missions start easy and get harder. However, now that they autogranted max faction to HC toons, nobody goes there. The xp isn't very good.
  19. Tronk Augur

    What Motherlee said, plus I assume your Rogue is on the same account as your TLP characters, so he is on a gold sub from that. Turn on the Auto-Grant AA's (top right corner of the AA screen, default is off). The next time you log in with that character or level up, it will give you all of the AA's up to your current level. It caps out at level 90 as I recall, after that you grind the AA's as well as levels.
    Motherlee likes this.
  20. Leex Pewpewer

    75 wasn't introduced until TSS. DoN was the previous expansion to that. You should have tried DoN nest missions or creators, you'd have leveled much quicker.

    OoW cap was raised to 70. DoN had no cap increase. Just fyi.