The Darkened Sea Expansion Beta

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Zdac, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. Zdac New Member


    First, the email that invites me to the beta indicates there are "private beta boards which can be accessed through the normal forums." Most times I lack keen observation skills, so it's probably right in front of my face, but I can't find the "private beta boards."

    Second, I have trouble logging into the beta server. Did the massive download, use the beta icon to start, enter account info, click "play," get to the server select screen that shows only the beta server, I select the beta server and click PLAY EVERQUEST! I see standard loading screens with random comments at the bottom... Then a black screen with white letters... YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED. I have not yet been able to log in. I have tried half a dozen times with same result.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

  2. Sheev Lorekeeper

    I was able to log in last night, but today I am experiencing exactly the same as Zdac :(
  3. Kialya Keeping your butt alive since 2002

    I got the Beta invite 9/19 but when I try to load the page at *Please do not post links to anything involving the beta on the non beta forums*

    Ok. Edited to reflect that it is now working and I was able to download the setup. Disregard.

  4. porky Augur

    I am getting the disconnected message to. Also I have no clue how to access the Beta forums, would be nice if someone would answer his question and solve it for all of us, LOL.
  5. Rosk New Member

    I've gotten to the server select, click on Beta, click play. It then goes through the music and spits me back to server select. Do I need to redownload the whole thing?
  6. porky Augur

    I was on this morning, and then they announced they were bringing the server down, so I came to the forums to see how long, but have no clue where they hid the Beta forums... It could still be down.
  7. Roshen Brand Manager

    Hello all,

    We're looking into this issue, and working to get this server up now.
  8. Zdac New Member

    Thanks much Roshen. When you have time, can you point me in the general direction of the private beta forums?


  9. Roshen Brand Manager

    These should be pretty hard to miss, if you're flagged for beta.

    If you are flagged for beta server but can't see the forums, try to log out of the forums and back in again. This fixes this issue for most people.
  10. Axxius Augur

    The weekend beta blues! :D It just keeps happening on the weekends in every beta. From what I understand, there is an automated script that rebuilds the beta server and client every morning, but pushing the changes to the patcher is done manually. When the person responsible for the patcher is not in the office (i.e. on the weekends) the patcher doesn't get updated and the client goes out of sync with the server and gets disconnected when it tries to enter the world.
  11. Zdac New Member

    Oh, yeah. Log in. That helps. :rolleyes:
  12. Greymantle Augur

    Great all my alt account get invited but my main does not go figure
  13. porky Augur

    I am flagged, copied my toon over and was on a little last night and this morning, most of the time was trying to remember which UI files i needed to copy over so I could operate my toon. Yes even logging in and out I do not see a Beta forum.?
  14. porky Augur

    Been on beta since Friday, still cant see the Beta Forums, I even asked a friend where they were and they arent where he says they are.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  15. Ronthorn Oakenarm Augur

    Are you signing into forums with same account that has Beta access? That is if you have multi accounts. I know it seems silly but it has happened before.
  16. porky Augur

    Aye, I do have a box account so just in case I logged in on that to see, and he doesn't see it either.
  17. Arwyn-RoV Augur

    I have this problem on several accounts and have signed out and back in again on each account, on various browsers across several OS's.

    Beta server access, no beta message boards visible.

    Theres something amiss in forum-land.
  18. Kaenan New Member

    I received the invite for Beta and I am not subscribed to a gold account. So I signed up and installed beta. After 2 pc crashed when trying to install I find out I have to have gold to use the premium equipment. That doesn't make sense that I have to sign up for gold just to test Beta.
  19. Ravengloome Augur

    Yeh it does go gold or deal with bad gear. End of story.
  20. sojero One hit wonder

    I would have thought beta would be like test, no gold required since you are helping them out.