The Broken Mirror Expansion Feature: Illusion Key Ring

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. FixShamanPlease Elder

    10 slots base for mounts was ok but I found 10 slots base for illusions low, especially for bards/enc/rogues.
  2. Jordis Augur

    Will Project Illusion work when casting the illusion from a keyring?

    I wouldn't care if illusions lasted through zoning; but I'd be aggravated all to Zek if permanent was given out too.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Being able to keep illusions through a zone is all people are asking for. :)
  4. Blurred_Memories Augur

    wouldnt bother me if other classes got illusion buff to persist through zoning... but in trade i would then want permanent illusion aa to actually make illusion buffs permanent and persist through death rather than just inconsistent long durations.
  5. Donroy Elder

    I love this idea but what's the pricing on the marketplace going to be like? I have 50+ illusions so I'm hoping that the cost is reasonable...
  6. Abazzagorath Augur

    Don't worry too much about it. Marketplace and LoN illusions all give you a free slot, so don't count against the total. I have around 90 illusions and I will only need to buy like 11 slots.