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Test Update 02/08/2022 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. EQ Dev Developer

    February 08, 2022

    *** Items ***

    - Adjusted focus effects on many Terror of Luclin blood-soaked items to match intent.
    - Augments awarded by Terror of Luclin achievements will now require a Class XXI solvent to remove them.
    - Shadow Broadsword Ornament no longer looks like a katar when applied to a hand-to-hand weapon.
    - Snowstorm weapon ornamentations now only have 1-hand, 2-hand, bow and shield requirements.
    - Corrected an issue where the quest "Organ Trail" would be impossible for a high level character to complete.
    - Many weapon ornaments will now fit in more items. Restrictions have been relaxed.
    - Type 3 augments have been created for Terror of Luclin spells. They can be found on vendors in the new Maiden's Eye.

    *** Tradeskills ***

    - The recipe for Luclin Sparkling Water will no longer call for a Chunk of Ice, and will now instead use Ice. Chunk of Ice can still be used, however.

    *** Quests & Events ***

    - Shei Vinitras's corpse will no longer despawn with loot when defeated in Ka Vethan.
    - Doomshade - put in a speculative fix for possible instance of Boom Shade being cast twice. Note that Shade's Doom is cast on two targets at a time, and so the spell can be doomed twice at the same time from different targets.
    - Rabbits found in The Eastern Wastes of modern Velious and the Basilica of Adumbration on modern Luclin now correctly count towards the Slayer achievement, Pesticide.
    - City zones - Fixed an issue with Santug Claugg spawning during the Frostfell celebration event.
    - Added a replay timer of 30 minutes to all AoC instances.

    *** Spells ***

    - Opaline Blessing: Slightly altered the AC so it overwrites and blocks Opaline Skin. Also adjusted the blockers so it will block Righteousness, Stormwall Keeper, and Hand of the Stormwall Keeper
    - Altered the stacking blockers on Persistence, Shadewell Keeper, Hand of the Dreaming Keeper, Luclinite Skin, and Luclinite Blessing so the stack in the preferred manner.
    - Druid - Players who have already claimed ranks 2 or 3 of Sootheseance will have the appropriate rank of Moonwhisper Crystals added to your spellbook. Players who have already claimed ranks 2 or 3 of Cinch of Ro will have the appropriate rank of Howling Hail added to your spellbook.

    *** NPCs ***

    - Ka Vethan raid basepop will no longer respawn.
    - Netherbians in the raid instance of Umbral Plains can now see invisible and not invisibility to undead, as befits the undead they are.
    - In many dialogues and task descriptions, our Faeries have taken a unified front in terms of the spelling of their people. Note that this does not include items or shrouds.
    - The faction for Faeries in the Greater and Lesser Faydarks now has the correct spelling.

    *** Progression Servers ***

    - Removed the player cap for Muramite Proving Grounds.

    *** Miscellaneous ***

    - Made the following improvements to the logic used when entering a zone with multiple instances:
    - - Players in a raid will be put into the base instance of a zone unless their reason for zoning requires otherwise, such as being resurrected or teleporting to a campfire.
    - - Players will enter the same zone as their group, even if no group member is in the destination zone. There is still a very small chance the group is split if a new instance spawns while the group is zoning.
    - - Teleportation spells such as Tranquility Portal and Visions of Argan (cast by Baraguj Szuul in Plane of Torment) will always send you to the base zone. Evacuation spells will send you to the same zone.
    - Increased AC soft cap for levels 116 to 120.
    - Corrected an issue with the guild tribute "Aura of Preservation" where the AC was not increasing correctly with ranks XIII, XIV, and XV.
    - The zone line to Bloodfalls within Mistmoore is now findable and will also function with the zone guide.
    - Activating familiar pet illusion items should now cast the proper effect depending on your target.
    - Corrected an issue that allowed NPCs to move if one of their root debuffs wore off, but they still had another active.
    - Corrected the position of the elevator in Castle of Mistmoore.

    *** UI ***

    - The links generated from clicking Link all in the Loot Window are now complete and less broken.
    - Added additional login screens highlighting perks.
    - Updated the text of the help page for the server select screen's chat window.
    - Updated the Options window to consistently show the Target Extended Target keybinds.

    - The EverQuest Team
    Shindius, Jumbur, menown and 4 others like this.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Can we not do this for modern zones? Or increase the number of players allowed in the zone by a lot

    or we will be seeing a lot more

    /picks are not worth using as they start closing down as soon as the raids have zoned in.
    Pani and Svann2 like this.
  3. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I think you should give raids their own pick rather than the base zone. When you add a raid to the base zone other people's mercs get suspended and thats not cool.
    Wdor, Shindius and Fenthen like this.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I think there is something else going on as I have seen large groups move from pick zone to pick zone without them closing down on them as they move.
  5. zleski Augur

    Are the various Necromancer bugs in this? A new rank of chaotic power, funeral pyre spell limit, synergy level...
    Shriek, Zeelot and Rizzin like this.
  6. theonepercent Augur

    That may work for live but there are several lower level raids that wont let you zone in unless you're in the main pick.
  7. Truetotheblue Augur

    First off, thanks for the Type 3's. That was unexpected. Appreciate the work you guys are putting in.

    Secondly, aug distillers, is there a reason these are still needed?? I can see the advantages of the plat cost and pulling out that money when these were introduced. But plat availability has gotten so large and aug distillers are now just an inconvenience. There seems to be no reason to keep them, and it just serves as a strange thing that you have to do that's more procedural than causing you to think about augging something.

    I get maybe some augs, like purity, retaining the need for perfected. But wouldn't it be helpful for developer resources not to have to think about the solvent type for items and just having it global they're removable?
    Pani, Jhenna_BB, alanus and 4 others like this.
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And I think that was the point, updating those old raids so they would work in a pick instead of just the main zone.
  9. Kazint Augur

    Unless they work differently now, it looks like the spell data is missing for the type 3s. Test copy didn't work so I can't actually try one.
    Strumph likes this.
  10. Forcallen Augur

    Based on patch notes and the data I've seen maybe next month!
    Marton and Sancus like this.
  11. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Are the wizard AAs: Spire of Arcanum and Quick Damage, updated for the new ToL-spells?
    Ineffable likes this.
  12. minimind The Village Idiot


    Does that replace the one-week timer that currently exist or does that mean that I have to wait 30 minutes between doing the ToV instance and Plane of Health instance?


    Surprise bonus!


    - The EverQuest Team[/quote]
    Shindius likes this.
  13. Svann2 The Magnificent

    No type 3 augs for bards?
    Do you realize that the new bard chant songs are worthless without aug improvement?
    The old ones from ToV are better when auged, so there is no reason to use the new ones.
    Wdor, Elyssanda, Syylke_EMarr and 3 others like this.
  14. theonepercent Augur

    What point? No one has said anything about that.
  15. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Then that should be fixed too.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They stopped doing open world raids a long time ago which means all the raids that would be impacted by pick zones are lower level ones. Newer raids you just hail an NPC and get sent to the proper raid zone.`
  17. theonepercent Augur

    This is a completely different issue than what's addressed in this patch.
  18. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    Agreed. More of a frustration and inconvenience than anything else. Make the game challenging without more time sinks and frustrating inventory management and administration scenarios.
    Pani and Shindius like this.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And you appear to be complaining about someone suggesting that raids should be given their own pick with an excuse that some raids require you to be in the base zone. All that I was pointing out was that was something they could/should address to solve some of the issues with open world raids and pick zones.
  20. Flookins New Member

    Pet message trying to gear pet after patch " I cannot accept copied items "