Test Server Expeditions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Livecritter, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. Livecritter New Member

    Is anyone on the Test server having trouble getting an expedition and being able to zone into it? A group I was running with the other day tried doing Tipt and the Ikkinz group trials and the window was stuck on Pending and would never let us zone in.
  2. Brolie Lorekeeper

    Had this happen on a test raid in Txevu too attempt using an agent of change. Could not even wait for a refresh to try again since its 3 days to retry to get an instance. had this happen several time in Tipt too though. Wondering if its all instances with the possibility of bugging out.
  3. mmats Augur

    I was doing ldons couple days ago and was only able to zone into 1 out of every 10 instances. Had to keep dropping the adventure and recreating it until it would finally let me in.