Technique of Master Wu bugged?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by fizzlesticks23, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. fizzlesticks23 New Member

    Rank 5 of ToMW it reads

    "This passive ability allows you to channel the spirit of Master Wu, granting your special attack skills a 100% chance to strike your opponent a second, 25% a third, 6% a fourth, and 1% a fifth time."

    This means that on 1% of attacks I should be hitting 5 times, 6% of attacks should be hitting at least 4 times, 25% of attacks should be at least hitting 3 times and always hitting at least 2 times.

    However the ability actually performs by calculating the % after the previous successful attack. So there's a 100% chance to hit twice, 25% chance to hit 3 times, 1.5% chance to hit 4 times and a measly 0.015% chance to hit 5 times.

    So is the description wrong or the ability? If it's the description I would like a refund please.
    Fanra likes this.
  2. fizzlesticks23 New Member

  3. mackal Augur

    Umm pretty much everything in EQ is about getting a sub 1% increase.
  4. fizzlesticks23 New Member

  5. DaciksBB Augur

    The description isn't as explicit to what the ability does as it used to be, they definitely should have put the exact chances when they updated the aa description to try to be less confusing (it actually used to show the formula for the chain)
  6. Nedrom Augur

    This game isn't for you if you are going to nitpick over ability wording.

    Just saying...
  7. fizzlesticks23 New Member

    Going from 1 5 attack proc per 100 attempts to 1 5 attack proc every 6666 attempts isn't some minor thing. There's nothing nitpicky about wanting to make sure the ability is working correctly.
    Fanra likes this.
  8. Xenze Elder

    It's all could get 5 attack procs 5 times in a row....or you could go 7500 attempts and not get a single one. It's not set in stone that you'll only get one every .015% of the time, because there's no way to determine nor give a set amount for the .015% to be based off of.

    Just be grateful it's an increase over the previous amount...or...skip it and don't worry about it.

    P.S. - it's a passive don't even have to consciously think about it, and it will fire.
  9. fizzlesticks23 New Member

    None of that matters. The percent shown in the ability description and the actual percent the game uses should be the same.
  10. Xenze Elder

    They've done the math and the testing yourself - it's just worded funny
  11. fizzlesticks23 New Member

    It's not worded funny, the way it's worded is just flat out incorrect and caused me and probably a lot of others to buy the AA when there were better options available. I don't understand why some people seem to be so against this being fixed.
  12. Xenze Elder

    I’m not against it. If it’s broken, by all means, fix it.

    But “technically” it’s not wrong/broken either. The numbers and values are correct.

    100% you’ll hit twice
    25% you’ll hit three times (which is 25% of 100%)
    1.5% chance to hit four times (which is 6% if 25%)
    .015% to hit five times (which is 1% of 6%)

    So again, numbers are there, values are correct. Definition is just a little off/incomplete. It “should” be a bit more clear on how it works, but this is how EQ works and has been for as long as I can recall. Players going to the community and/or doing trial and error for testing things out.

    Now with that said, I’m all for them refunding Monks the proper amount of AAs in a hot-fix
  13. Thrillho Augur

    It makes sense, and is correct as it's written, but I can see how it could be misinterpreted.

    It appears that all of the rolls (chance to hit a multiplier) are done based on the first hit. You have a 6% chance to land a fourth hit, rolled from the first. But in order for you to land a fourth, you need to have landed a third. You can win the chance to land a fourth, but if you haven't won the third hit, the game isn't going to let you attempt the fourth.

    So, 75% of your fourth-hit wins aren't even going to be attempted, despite you still winning the roll. You have a 6% win rate, but you only see 1.5% of them.

    It's still a good line to purchase. Depending on what else you've purchased, it might not be the best way to spend your AAs at the time, but it's still beneficial.
  14. svann Augur

  15. HeatherPurrs Augur

    I understand what you're doing and why. I've been there. I'll save you a ton of time and frustration if you'll listen. Don't dig deep and min / max abilities, skills, and items. There's simply no point due to the hard and soft caps the game now uses to prevent players from maxing out to god mode.

    As hard as it is to do, pretend that stats and % matter while knowing that they really don't and those last few %'s just aren't that important.

    All that really matters is can you log on and play. That's it. Can you driving your toon contribute to a group or solo or whatever it is you enjoy doing?. If you can then you're good enough. Whatever you do, don't try and match someone elses toon because that's just not how the game works.

  16. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    That's not how probability works. What the description says is that upon triggering the first attack there is a 100% chance that the second attack will trigger; which it does. It then goes on to say that upon the second attack being successfully triggered there will be a 25% chance that a 3rd attack will be triggered; again it does do this. After a successfully triggered 3rd attack, then there is a 6% chance that a 4th attack will be triggered; and once more it does. And finally, upon a successfully triggered 4th attack there is a 1% chance that a 5th attack will be triggered; and this also occurs as expected. The actual calculation for the probability of triggering all 5 attacks is the 1st Chance to trigger times the 2nd chance to trigger times 3rd chance to trigger times 4th chance to trigger time 5th chance to trigger. Which comes out as 1*1*.25*.06*.01 = .00015 = 0.015%. This is perfectly in line with what was described.

    If the triggers were not dependent upon each other then your 4th or 5th could trigger and create a false 3rd (or 4th) trigger.

    So you have no case here, but you may be able to go after your math teacher in high school for failing you.
    Thrillho likes this.
  17. svann Augur

    Are you sure thats what the description says or did you paraphrase it to validate your point?
    Because when I look it up on Im seeing that what it says is
    Which a standard english reader would interpret as did the OP.
    Maybe this is more an english lesson than a maths lesson.
    You could be right. Maybe it is working as intended. But if so then the description is written wrong.
    fizzlesticks23 likes this.
  18. kizant Augur

    The descriptions are written poorly. That's just EQ for ya.
  19. Dreadmore Augur

    Look at it this way. You have a 25% chance at a second extra strike, not a "25% chance to get two extra strikes." You can't have the second strike if you didn't have the first. It follows to the subsequent extra strikes
    Thrillho and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  20. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Yes, I am sure that is what the description says. Wu's is an AA which we have had since PoP; how it works has not changed, the percent values have just been increased via more ranks of the years as well as more extra attacks being added. The description is brief and to the point, and uses proper English for how I described it as being stated.

    The only standard English reader who would interpret it as the OP did was someone who had no knowledge of calculating probabilities which are dependent upon each other and is being purposefully obtuse by trying to portray that the description is saying that 1 in every 100 times that we use our special it should be triggering 5 of them. That in and of itself would be around 66 times more special attacks than we already do current; not to mention the fact that their would also be about 4 times as many instances of just 4 specials being triggered. This would be an insane increase in the damage we do; especially since now a not insignificant portion of our damage comes from our special attacks.

    The description is written fine, unless you are going out of your way to purposefully misinterpret it. The percentages given are the chance that you will pass the check for that to happen, but the check ONLY occurs when the prior one has been passed. To paraphrase what Dreadmore stated above, you cannot have the 5th attack be triggered unless the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th attacks have already been triggered.
    Thrillho likes this.