TDS T3 loot drop rate

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Noirfu, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Noirfu Augur

    Seems to be extremely low.

    So far, my group has killed 20+ open-zone named and not gotten a single visible armor piece.
    We've only gotten two spells. It seems each named has one non-vis item and/or aug which drops almost every time so those will be very common but the visible armor and spells are ridiculously rare.
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    [QUOTESeems to be extremely low.

    So far, my group has killed 20+ open-zone named and not gotten a single visible armor piece.
    We've only gotten two spells. It seems each named has one non-vis item and/or aug which drops almost every time so those will be very common but the visible armor and spells are ridiculously rare. ][/QUOTE]

    Either you have been very unlucky or they want us to do the HA for currency to buy the visible armor.
  3. Axxius Augur

    Does the visible armor even drop off the named in TDS? Our group killed about a dozen of those during progression, and not a single armor dropped. Maybe they are currency-only?
  4. Cerris Augur

    T1 armor at least seems not too rare; I killed the EM16 ear dropper in TT 3 times and the named elemental in Katta2 once and wound up with 2 pieces of visible armor.
  5. Nenton Augur

    I'll trade you the two T3 feet we've gotten for your spells since we're into Combine Dredge now and have seen zero spells.

    Removing mission chests was a terrible decision, in case there was any question. If they followed the RoF T4 method, Noirfu would have some armor pieces and my group would have some Rk. 2 spells and the players would be happier. Instead we have TeDiuS.
  6. Silv Augur

    I did very little in T1 so I can't comment on that. In T2 (mainly farming all the named on Brother's Island) I got quite a bit of armor drops. Enough to get a full set for an alt in a few hours and have more left rotting for random people. For me the rate (on this small sample size, I know) seemed anywhere around 25 - 50%. For spells, it seemed somewhere around 10 or 15%ish percent- pretty low IMO for the number of named killed. In T3 (Degmar) I've killed a lot of named and have yet to see any spells at all and minimal armor drops. When you combine this with the insane price of T3 vendor items its mind boggling. Even if you did every HA every day it would take weeks for a single item of T3. I did quick estimates on the math so I'm sure someone could come up with an exact number.

    It is also frustrating that spells cannot be downgraded. In T2 you get a TON of Lv 102 and 103 essences. Enough that I don't need anymore for 3 characters. Yet I haven't gotten a single minor in T2. I'm guessing they predominantly are skewed to drop in T1 but it still seems a bit silly. I can't even sell or trade away the Lv 102 and 103 spells (and they also seem to be the majority of spells in the bazaar.

    I'm still not sure why 1) we can't downgrade spells and 2) these weren't added to the vendors for currency. They were available in COTF from the vendor. In ROF you had missions which dropped spells. Now in TDS we have neither option.
  7. Marton Augur

    Having spells available on vendors would make TDS more palatable.

    Edit: same goes for mission chests.
  8. Cloudia Augur

    yes but they would be priced such that you would need to farm the same HA over and over in order to buy one lvl 101 spell. No wait, you would need to farm multiple HA due to the lockouts...
  9. drkoli Augur

    ive got that beat. ive done CoTF HA's since opening day to level alts and i haven't seen 1 single peice of armor the entire year i farmed namers in HA's
    SaderakhBertox likes this.
  10. Crystilla Augur

    I've gotten 1 wrist in Tier 1 (Katta), 1 wrist in Tier 2 (Caverns) and a mask in Tier 2 (Caverns).
  11. Orbital101 Augur

    Both alts are fully T3 armor equiped with them going to rot or /ooc now. That was just by doing hunter.
  12. Noirfu Augur

    Which zones did you get most of the drops from? Perhaps since I like the Dino models so much, I've been wasting my time there. Still not a single visible drop, although we've been playing much less the last couple of days expecting a fix.
  13. guado Augur

    Killed Mayor 9 times in Arx Mentis.

    Saw 3 BPs.
  14. Silv Augur

    Does anyone know if the glowing essences drop in any T3 zone or is it just the "higher end" of Tier 3 like Arx? Haven't seen a lot of reports about them. Figured people camping T3 armor may know.
  15. Sklak Journeyman

    Glowing confirmed from Thuliasaur, seen from named (both open zone and HA named) and even 1 off trash. Drop rate for me has been about 1 spell per 10 named kills (with roughly half of the T3 spell drops for me have been glowing).

    Seen significantly more armor drops than spells.
    Silv likes this.
  16. Noirfu Augur

    We killed the mayor 4 times tonight after raids. Zero visibles dropped. We're now up to around 30 named kills without a single armor piece. We did get another glowing from the Rexisaur named in the Thuliasaur HA mission though.
  17. Noirfu Augur

    We finally got our first visible drop. On the 34th named mob in T3 (mayor) we got a BP.
    Six more kills of him just gave us more necks and another aug. We're kind of burnt out on TDS and going to take a break for a few days. Maybe the next patch will improve things. If not, this is just too big of a time sync to participate in.
  18. Caixaa Elder

    I've got some spells dropped off of trash mobs in Thuliasaur
  19. Valikk New Member

    I completed Master of the Darkened Sea this evening (Champion + Paragon + Slayer). Through the entire undertaking, I saw 15 spells drop. Spells were split just about 50/50 from trash mobs and named mobs.

    I didn't particularly pay attention to visible drops in T1 and T2, as the former is bazaar fodder and the latter is rot. I did, however, see 12 visibles drop while completing T3 hunters. I saw 7 bracers, 2 gloves, 1 arms, 1 legs, 1 BP. Hunter Achs for T3 includes 36 rare monsters, some I killed more than once while farming augs, others I killed more than once simply because they repopped back to back. All told I killed 53 rares which netted 12 visibles = 22%. Small sample size lacks concrete validity, yes I know. YMMV.
    Ismel likes this.