TDS Collectors for krono's

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Morlucius, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Morlucius Elder

    Looking to Trade 6 Krono's for a Gift for collectors edition TDS. 5 Krono's is $84.99 and collectors edition with 10% discount is $81.00. So not only will you get instant delivery of the 6 Krono's instead of the 5, you save $4 on a 5 pack of Krono's, and you will get instant delivery of the Krono's instead of waiting. this is for my girls birthday on her account and just trying to surprise her. If you are interested in making the trade send a tell to ;tell morlucious.bertox. If you are not on bertox its ok cause I will make on character on your server and do the trade there.. TDS can be gifted so server does not matter on both the Krono or the gift of TDS Collectors.