TDS Brother Island: Quest NPCs stuck under groundtexture

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Totonga, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Totonga New Member

    Namely: Brother Sprudd, Brother Dockle and Jameswell Dagmire.

    It's impossible to go on with progression since you cant turn in items to them. Hailing worked but turn ins for partisan quest is impossible. Please fix that.

    On a side note, this happens a lot in TDS, especially with the ships. Can you finally fix that?!
  2. Pootle Elder

    While it is an annoying bug, that needs fixing. You should be able to get around it by camping and coming back. See in the quest description over at alla.

  3. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Yep, i had one dude targeted and worked just fine, on the other account I could target just not see the guy. Camped out, loged in and all was well. Annoying yes, but I would rather try everything I could now then wait for a patch.