TBM - All Past Augs Worthless?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kalipto, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. Kalipto Augur

    Am I wrong or does the new expansions gear mean that all the augs we currently have are completely useless?

    Another question; is this just the way gear will always work now? It's not complicated but it's certainly a lot more complex than any gear has been before and I'm honestly not sure what the benefit is. It does not increase the fun.

    For me this decreases the fun factor. Now instead of a boss dropping some cool loot that you can tell is an instant upgrade, it drops some aug-less item with basically no stats. Yay?

    PS I love the new zones, I think they're fun and I like that they're not exactly easy. The whole day of the dead theme is actually unique in an MMO and pretty swell. The gear though, ugh.
  2. Silv Augur

    Gear still has Slot: 7/8 aug slots... you're augs are still perfectly good. There are several upgrades in the expansion but definitely not enough to replace an entire gear set.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Mayfaire like this.
  3. strongbus Augur

    nope. All the gear still has type 7 slots. And I still haven't seen any type 7 augs drop in tbm. So farming the old type 7 to go into the new TBM gear is still something you want to do.

    As for the way they did gear I see it as they got tired of trying to do gear for each type of class and have people ignore it for other gear. I give you a few examples

    1. Necros/Shaman like as much HP and hsta on their gear because of all the spells/aa they get that lets them convert hp to mana or use hp to cast spells. And sense with heals/lifetaps it easier to refill your hp then mana pool. So lots of necor/sham where going for the gear that was listed as best for war/pal/sk for the hp/hsta.

    2. I box a necro/mage/bst group. But I don't use the bst to do melee damage and even with the change to pet tanking most likely will still not melee with him. So for gear instead of going for gear listed as best for bst I was going for the stuff for cleric/druids or sham/necro gear for the mana.

    So instead of making a ton of gear for different groups of classes they just made a bunch of standard gear and a bunch of augs with different set up of stats and said here you go just make the gear to your liking. Most likely a lot less work for them.
    code-zero likes this.
  4. Kalipto Augur

    Ahh well good! Glad all our augs are good moving forward, I was kinda worried about that. Thanks for the clarification!

    Also thanks for keying me into why the gear is the way it is. I'm not exactly a fan but I do see how you can still customize gear more than before. I wonder how this'll work as expansions move forward though. Instead of getting 1 drop and having an upgrade you'll need 1 gear drop, 1+ aug drop, and then expansion currency to get another aug or 2. Guess that means gearing will take a bit more time which is a good thing.It should be a slow process since we have an entire year to do it.

    And since the gear doesn't all come at the same time, instead of getting a big boost to stats from one item, you'll get 4 small boosts to stats over the course of multiple items. Still doesn't exactly sound as gratifying this way. I hope that doesn't prevent people from still really enjoying themselves. The whole "feeling of reward" needs to remain high enough to keep people around.
  5. Siddar Augur

    I have gotten two type seven augs from non instanced trash mobs in TBM. On the first day I was there. But I haven't seen any drop sense.

    Voracity AC40 285 mp hp end 9 heroic sta 12 heroic dex
    Hypocricy AC40 285 mp hp end 9 heroic sta 12 heroic str

    Nice augs but without the right heroic stat and lacking spell damage for some of the caster they wont replace existing augs for most classes.
  6. Endless Augur

    There's a 60ac and 50(ish?)ac aug, rest are 40ac. They all have higher hitpoints/mana/endurance, but if you're a tank there are still plenty of other A/C augs before TBM that will be remain in use.
  7. Silv Augur

  8. Taiqwon Augur

    I think this expansion is just simply highlighting how worthless heroic stats actually are :D