TBL Task: Enter Mearatas

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Magedps, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. Magedps New Member

    I am on the very first step: Find a Way into Mearatas.

    I have hailed/ said Enter Mearatas to pretty much every earth mob possible on the east side of Embers, and they all say they don't know anything about that.

    Any suggestions on what mobs to hail, or how to get them to give me the update?
  2. Derka Power Ranger

    I ran into the same issue, no update from every possible mob. I dropped the task and requested it again. Got the update in under 15 mobs
  3. Magedps New Member

    Derka, do you know if faction matters? I am threatening to them currently. They respond with "they don't know anything about that" before they attack me. I just fade and go to the next mob.
  4. Magedps New Member

    Disregard. Faction does not seem to matter. Finally got a mob to give me the update after restarting the task 4 times and hailing about 100 mobs lol