Take my money.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by tnot, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    How on earth are distillers ever an intelligent use of a bag slot?

    Raider or casual non porting, don't you know the zone you're going to, what gear you currently have, and what augs drop there? Thus you can know the exact number and types of augs you can expect before you can drag yourself back to PoK (because you don't have the vet AA to summon the merchant either apparently).

    You bring the one distiller you're going to need, the aug drops, you use the distiller and you've freed a slot!

    Or rather, you've still got 19 type XIX's left? I don't get it.
  2. Tucoh Augur

    pro tip from a guy who has spent way too much of his last few months upgrading 8 chars: if you buy a stack of type IX, X, XV and XVI, you'll get most of the modern augs.

    Also I'd love a vendor purchased type N aug distiller.
  3. Geroblue Augur

    Neither do I. I buy only the number of distillers I need right then. I don't use up my inventory slots, few of my characters have bags larger than 16 slots, for something I don't use much of. One of my silver accounts, nothing larger than deluxe toolboxes.
    MasterMagnus and Jumbur like this.
  4. tnot Elder

    When you play 3 or more characters entering a new expansion with a raised level cap, you're looking at 120+ aug slots to be removed/replaced. I admit this was not an issue when I played a single character, but now that I box it is a massive pain in the , I pick up a ton of gear upgrades unintentionally in the course of progression or grinding and this is simply a really, really stupid and overly complex system for changing out and replacing gear.

    Like I said, I'm willing to pay, a lot, for the convenience..

    Why are trolls out in force trying to maintain stupid tedious in the game. Congratufuckinglations, you have no problem staying on top of your aug switches, not everyone shares your opinion, # of chars, level, hours available to play, or love for stupid tedious .

    Don't troll. If something doesn't hurt you, but helps others, why are you even commenting, every thread does not require your special opinion, If 50% of people complain that a food gives them explosive diarrhea, the opinion of the other 50% that were just fine is not terribly relevant. No food should give half of consumers explosive diarrhea, and this system of aug removers is universally hated by a majority of players and adds nothing to the game but tedium.
    Mordeen and MasterMagnus like this.
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Good idea... the aug distillers seemed overly bloated for a game that's seen so much streamlining.
  6. Toomba Elder

    I’d pay 1k each for a distiller that removes all, and i’d always have 3 stacks on me
  7. Lianeb Augur

    I would pay 20 dollars for a Porsche. and I would have a Garage full of them.

    Would be nice to set an arbitrary price on an item you would like to have that is more expensive than you are willing to pay
  8. Sam Hyde "You're" on ignore

    There's already Porsches for less than that. Hot wheels versions can be purchased online. What Lianeb asks for is already available online.

    (That's how absurd your first reply was)
  9. Lianeb Augur

    A Hot wheels is not the Porsche I wanted.

    See what i did there?
  10. Critts Augur

    At least you don’t have to put your items in that bath thing any more..