Symbol of the Overlord casts Shadow of Memories

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by TeamSlestak, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. TeamSlestak New Member

    Recently returned player attempting to use my Symbol of the Overlord for the Ancient Power clicky, now it casts Shadow of Memories, which does nothing.

    Sleestak of Drinal
  2. GNOME_POWER Augur

    Check the special tab of the AA window.
    Item special clicks are now permanent AA.
    Wyre Wintermute likes this.
  3. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Shadow of Memories is the "new buff" for the overhaste clicks. They're listed under your Special tab in AA's. It is X/8, depending on the power of the buff. Each time you upgrade, you'll get a message about purchasing new levels of the AA. After that, you won't see any messages and the Shadow buffs can just be used as temp buffs or clicked away and you never have to deal with them again.

    On a side note, some of the AA's do not stack. Fanra's has a list pointing them out, but ones like "Knowledge of the past" and "Soothing Breath" will constantly replace each other. KoP has higher mana rege than HP regen, SB has equal HP and Mana regen. If you have 2 items with the same power level (IE. KoP V and SB V) they will overwrite each other, so you really just pick what's best for you there.