Swarming and have some concerns

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Dracy, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Dracy New Member


    Just an average SK here making my way ingame :)

    Spent 90-95 in mech Guardian and now moved onto Kaesora. Its working ok but got a few things I could ask to improve.

    When I make a realativly large pull the mobs tend to stand in an arch infront of me really nice ( You know that little space between You and the mob ). When making a really big pull the mobs seem to just warp over You leaving You inside a blob of mobs even if cornered.

    When this happens I get alot of cant see target and not sure what I hit and what hits me.

    Is there away to prevent this or improve the situation? Should I make smaller pulls?

    Thx for Reading.
  2. Sinestra Augur

    Well some have said they constantly push backwards to keep in the corner, but personally I found more success by not using corners at all. I strafe around the mobs and move in, out, and around as needed.
  3. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    If you're using a corner, always shrink.

    I would recommend Kurns instead of Kaesora. Just start from the top and run to the bottom. If you use the right corner at zone-in, the whole train just warps on top of you.

    I like to hit back and run backwards into a wall, then hit enter like you're going to chat. This will cause you to "auto-run" backwards into your corner.

    Since you're only 95, Kurn's will be a challenge, to make sure that you're using DA and Deflection properly to afford you the most time with burns and 2.0 running. Also, make sure that you are always targeting something that you contact with 100% of your personal single target swings to have that constant heal
  4. Slithur New Member

    Always shrink. I have also noted certain illusions are more prone to pushing you out a bit from a corner. That said, there is no need to corner to swarm. Zoom out on your camera and behold.... swarming in any zone you want. Use your strafe keys as suggested above, it isn't hard and it make things more fun. Course if you want to be lazy you can't beat a corner.