Support ticket been open for days

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ihealyou, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. Ihealyou New Member

    How long do I have to wait for someone to look at my ticket ? It’s been open since Thursday?
  2. Ihealyou New Member

    #735581 Is the ticket number
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I doubt you will get an answer on these forums since the tickets are handled by another division.

    I can offer some suggestions -

    Thursday was a holiday in USA which is where DBG is based therefore there may be a delay in response time (though I doubt it - most of mine get answered within 2 days come rain or shine)

    Did you respond to the email they sent back? Its an auto response that requires you to answer. If you did not it might have closed. Did you go look up the status under your account management?

    And finally is this something we here in the forums can help you with as we are pretty darn smart too and there are at least 100 times the amount of people here to help you as opposed to the ticket department which has about 3 I think.
  4. Ihealyou New Member

    To answer all of that yes, the ticket is for answers on my my account was hit with a 7 day vacation for “unattended game play” . Now I know most will think how he did it, but in fact I didn’t and nor do I have any software that could play my account without me at my computer. I box 3 toons on mangler chanter cleric mage. I log in and within 4 mins my cleric was kicked. Now I fully understand that nothing will be done about his but I just want to know how this can happen if I truly wasn’t doing anything wrong and how to prevent this from happening again if I did something .
  5. Ihealyou New Member

    Also this was just the cleric account not all 3, lest they could have done is pop the mage and not my healer
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Yeah, their not going to answer that one.
  7. Ihealyou New Member

    I’m not a computer person but I sure they have a system they use to check these things and can easily see nothing was done against the rules. I have seen GMs afk check people and herd from people who have afk check people in game for these things summon them or send them tells which none of which happened 3 mins into loging into the game.