Summon corpse removed?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by EEpromm, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. EEpromm Lorekeeper

    The spell seems to have been removed from alla and I saw someone mention something about some summon corpse nerf, was this in patch notes? When? More importantly, why?? Note I haven't confirmed it's removed, just wondering.
  2. YourNameHere Lorekeeper

    Well it was saying you had to be lvl 255 to scribe it sooooo ... oopsies.
  3. MileyVyrus Augur

    Yet another instance of SeIos expIoits impacting aII the tIp servers
  4. MarttinPH Augur

    What was the exploit?
  5. GNOME_POWER Augur

    Maybe integrated into AA.
    "Call of the Hero" Corpse Version...
  6. Gidono

  7. Arrk Augur

    You know nothing, Gidono ;) . Lesser Summon only works up to level 35. Summon corpse was for 36+ ... until you get 57 and get them one for up to 70...

    The spell is broken... and requires level 255.
  8. Keella Journeyman

    This spell is still sold by the level 26-50 PoK Spell Vendor, cost me 12p 6g 2s 7c, didn't read the description, didn't think I'd need to, so i wasn't aware initially that this spell can't be used as the level says 255 required, shouldn't even be in game if this is the intended level required. /ripped off.