Suggestion: Offer Bundles from Previous Expansions for Purchase

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kalela, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I support the current release method.

    I don’t think past expansion items should be sold separately and cheaper. It would undermine current buyers.
  2. Jedis Arch Mage

    They don't need to be cheaper. That was one suggestion. I already suggested that the expansion be listed at full price on the website and folks can buy them from there.

    If people want the items bad enough, they can pay full price for the expansion.

    The biggest issue is that past items are not available to be purchased equally.
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Ngreth has used the McRib analogy in the past to support the marketplace rotation.

    He or another dev said marketplace sales were poor when they were static - whether it was due to analysis paralysis or being too common.
  4. Tegila Augur

    I feel the same way about wanting stuff from expacs I missed, though my list is bigger than my wallet when they come out. Last few years it's been all summer not spread out like quarterly or something, but when I'd heard TDS had been put up in 2021(I don't play in summertime) I checked the site every two weeks last summer hoping for the same, then dropped $300 just to get pirate ships for my crew. I did also want another 1 or 2 that were offered over the summer but I can't justify blowing a grand in 3 months or less for housing and clickies, which is exactly what I wanted from each.

    I think they should put RoF, CotF, and TDS on rotation like they do the heritage crates and LoN prizes, just 1 at a time every few months, not 2 weeks take it or lose out. The prices, I'm willing to pay, but not times 6 accounts 3 months in a row, and I doubt many others are either. If I was, I'd be on my 3rd NOS friends and family by now and they'd all get it, 1 a month.

    I also wish there was actual merchandise as mentioned by someone earlier, I mean, talk to Funko guys lol (would be some ugly firionas bit you know they'd sell) hubby collects merch from a game and its predecessors and has spent more than my car is worth, and he hasn't even touched the game in 5 years. The nostalgia is as alive and well in current and past EQ players, make use of it!

    (Look into it, the Fallout franchise has literally dozens of Funkos and collectors pay insane amounts for other merch from Bethesda directly (I mean limited time items some as high as $800 I've seen) life size official this and that, bit the sheer visibility of Funkos would not only boost revenue, but boost subs as people are rewakened to the game and want to play again.
  5. Jedis Arch Mage

    You're missing the point. We are not asking for them all to be available all of the time. Agnarr does not get ANY of those in the market at ANY point in time. The other TLPs do not get them until the expansion unlocks. Thus leaving a ton of folks out in the cold.

    We are wanting to be able to get the cosmetics and non-breaking items, just as when a new expansion launches on and ANY server can purchase it and get to use the items, so long as they aren't things the server doesn't have (Overseer, etc.)