Suggestion for spell gems interface.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by rmain1972, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. rmain1972 New Member

    In the heat of battle, on a laptop, I sometimes right click a spell gem and it disappears. My suggestion would be a way to lock the spell gems to prevent that from happening. That is all. :)
    Duder likes this.
  2. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Customer service - Hello.


    Customer service - Let me refer you to rmain1972

    I'll be honest, given the current number of changes that break perfectly functioning things, I'd be incline to leave this alone. But it's not a bad idea. I'm just worried about changing anything in the game at this point. A month without being able to change spell gems would suck...

    I was going to suggest just making a hotbar a copy of the spell bar ... but as it turns out, you can right click off spells (and bring up the menu to get) on the hotbar as well.

    The More You Know! (tm)
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    As an alternative, right-click on the spell book icon and save a spell gem set, then you can load it back when that happens. If you are using the trackpad and misclicking, could get an inexpensive mouse instead. And by default, holding alt plus # is the keybind for casting a spell with 1 through 0 and - and +.
  4. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I remember way back in the day when i played my bard and there was no such thing as melody i would kite mobs usually 3-4 dots and once in a while i would hit the wrong mouse button and instead of casting the song it deleted the spell gem was just kinda annoying but this post made me remember that. Back when i was kiting sergeant slate in EC one of my favorite mob back in the day before the bazzar.
