[Suggestion]Account-Based XP Bonus

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by I_Love_My_Bandwidth, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Grant a 100% XP bonus (stackable with everything) to player's account for every character at max level, for a maximum of 700% XP Bonus.
  2. Laronk Augur

    How does this people who actually need help?

    People in the gap between 75 and 110 people with multiple max level characters don’t need help

    All this does is give an advantage to those who play too much.
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    You're suggesting this is an extravagant suggestion? I didn't realize we're playing a game of charity and those who have less somehow are entitled to more.

    Of course, you could ignore your philanthropic tendencies for two seconds and consider that we also need to retain those who actually do play the game. You know, a carrot to those "with multiple max level characters" to stick around and keep paying the subscription fees?

    Just because someone has multiple max level characters doesn't mean they don't deserve some cheddar. This helps ANYONE with max level characters.
  4. Bigstomp Augur

    The people with max level characters don't need the help.
    Yinla and Tatanka like this.
  5. Iuwene Augur

    Actually this is done in EQ2 for years now, though the bonus is only 20% for each max level char on the account.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    If one is max level then why do they need extra exp? Where does it go?

    What is the 700% based on? Character slots? Lucky number?

    Some players were level 120 within days if not hours of expansion release because that is their priority.

    Others of us play just as much if not more, but are not max level because we are not focused on leveling.

    I fail to understand why either one should have a bonus over the other. Both are the player's choice of how to play.
  7. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Would make much more sense to give the bonus to people who do not have a max level character (or really a character 5 levels under the current cap).
    Treage_Imminent likes this.
  8. Laronk Augur

    I didn’t say it was extravagant, I just don’t think anyone at max level needs help getting there if they’re already there. If xp is too slow then the boost needs to be for everyone but really xp isn’t too slow if you’re close to max level. The part of the game where people might actually struggle is 75-110 because there is so few players and it can be difficult to find gear in those level ranges.

    I haven’t started tol yet so none are 120 but I have 10 level 115’s this isn’t saying oh woe is me I need help not you the guy who has time on his hand! This doesn’t help us get more people to play with, this doesn’t improve the returning or new player experience. I don’t think this would improve the game.

    Either experience is fine at the top or everyone needs the boost, not just the people who are already there.
  9. Elemental Augur

    You must not know about the recruit a friend accounts with perma exp bonus
  10. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Many of us know about that but few of us have it and pretty sure cannot get it anymore.