Stupid question time - extra char slots

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Yinla, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Is there a way to tell how I got my extra char slots?

    I'm at 10 slots, I know I can have more, but I don't remember if I got them through SC or the loyalty vendor and I'd hate to purchase one only to find I cannot use it as I am max for that currency.

    Is it 6 or 8 free ones we start with?
    3 loyalty and 3 SC?

    If we start with 8 char slots and a max of 3 of the others, I'd be safe to use either this time but if it is 6 we start with I could be maxed on 1 type.
  2. Yther Augur

    I'm not sure if it lists it or not, but maybe in Sony Account Details menu selection EQ - Details button. I've never purchased them so unsure. I thought there was somewhere you could see SC purchases, but that may just have been purchases of SC not, purchases with SC.

    I see some of mine under Station Cash Balance menu item - View Payment History button.

    Yther Ore.
  3. Riou EQResource

    Once you finish the loyalty or SC slots you cant buy anymore of that kind, you should only see what you can buy to max them out, so if either side is missing, or missing its max amount, you have it from there
    moogs and Yther like this.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Thanks guys, I knew someone would know the answer. :) I'll check when I get back home.
  5. Gythlen Augur

    I started with 8 character slots as a Gold member if that helps.