strength aug vs int/wis aug

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Beltirabelkira, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Beltirabelkira Elder

    this trend of having the aug with STRENGTH having a higher heal amount and spell damage over the INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM augs is in my opinion a bug. I don't know anyone that actually uses the strength augs, but the people that would actively use heal amount and spell damage, actively go for intelligence and wisdom not strength. So if you could either remove the lore grouping on the 2 augs, or quit having the mod 2s be higher on the non caster aug than the caster aug. That would be great mmkay.
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    Caring about the mod2 differences on the greater/lesser paired augs may be the least important issue facing folks these days.

    For example ... no mention of the great shafting wisdom casters have when dealing with modern powersources ... negative spell damage vs negative heroic wisdom (don't get me started on the other two versions which are worse) ... that's a topic worth pursuing!