Still Relevant in CoV

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by MischiefTLP, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. Ozon Augur

    If you only want spells, and 'relavent' for SKs Disease Cloud, reason is its a super cheap (mana wise), long lasting DoT that does essential no damage. Useful for long pulls, or kiting if you like.
  2. Fleiss Journeyman

    Technically for mages it is reclaim energy. Which is classic. You can farm and item with it on it. But no buy AA option.

    Also I have use call of the hero spell this expansion. It does not share a timer with the AA and certain raid and mission with banishment it is helpful to have two options.
  3. Accipiter Old Timer

    Yes, good for pulls in the early levels. You'll switch to Shadow Vortex probably at 40. Later you'll use your Terror line to pull.
    Ozon likes this.
  4. RPoo Augur

    Additionally for enchanter I can add Collaboration. When I want to run around certain zones but my faction needs a little boost so I'm not KoS. A variety of create item metals and misc spells ranging from lvl 7 - 49. Still cast low lvl buffs on lowbies.
  5. Ozon Augur

    Sure I use terror or Power line, but DC still has a place, if it lands, and it doesn't always of course, it lasts long enough that I can fade and stand it will still be on, can't say that about the other two.