Starting on Phinny, LFGUILD

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by hein, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. hein Augur

    Greetings my friends, I'm considering subscribing tonight and starting an enchanter on Phinny. I was initially going to play on the new PoP locked server, but it looks like Phinny has a great population and with LDON coming out next week, I feel that's a great time to start because you can level up to 60+ doing the dungeons and you can jump into those around levels 15-20 I believe. If you happen to know of a great guild, that could use a returning, experienced (been playing off an on since 2000) enchanter, then let me know and I'll look for you tonight when I create my character. Thanks!!
  2. Kieren New Member

    Did you make a char on Phinny? Im sure you will find a guild, if you havent already. :)

    I havent bothered yet, just running around revisiting old places so far. :cool:

    Happy hunting!
  3. MrMajestykx Augur

    hit up the TLP threads k thanks.
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Actually I would suggest they post in the Guild Recruitment forums