Spells that throw NPCs upward

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Sonoflame, May 17, 2023.

  1. Sonoflame New Member

    What are all the spells that launch NPCs into the air. When in dungeons with low ceilings this spell can launch a NPC into the room above and basically pull the entire dungeon. Trying to figure out who in the group could be using such spells so I can tell them to stop.
  2. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    SK, Bard, War, Monk, Ranger, Enchanter, Shaman, Necro... Probably some more I'm not thinking of at the moment, but that's 50% of classes, should be a good start towards narrowing down your investigation, right?

    If you see a sudden huge train on the ETW, target one and see who they're on.
  3. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Logs / chat spam shows who cast what.

    also /g "stop casting whatever makes mobs pop through floors" and if they don't, /disband and reform without the class(es) who can cast them.

    If there were more than one class with the ability, among them, they'll know who it was and sort it out out of group.
  4. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    In some locations "wall agro" might still be an issue, i.e. if the NPC is partly in a wall (sometimes just barely), it will bring mobs from other floors that are social with it.
  5. Annastasya Augur

    Area Effect spells can also summon monsters from adjacent but not directly connected areas of a dungeon.
    Rijacki likes this.
  6. Iven the Lunatic

    Weapons can have such effects on them (procs).
  7. Tucoh Augur

    This probably won't achieve the desired result since the offending person might not know they're doing it. The number of effects players kick out is intimidating to some players, and it's up to the cognescenti to help them along their way.

    Like you said, parsing the log and finding what spells everyone is casting and then knowing all the knockback spells is the only way.
    Rijacki likes this.