Spell Research Cheat Sheets updated

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Risiko, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Risiko Augur

    I updated the spell research cheat sheets to include Raw Fine Hide.

  2. Blutarsky New Member

    Thanks for the time you have put into this man, great info.
  3. Alekzandre Augur

    That is Great! I hope people appreciate the time it took for you to do that!
  4. Vlerg Augur

    it look really nice but... before you put many more hours in it.. eq trader already give all that info, + tips on where to gather hides or merchants who sells stuff + allow you to order it by class or trivial or...

    so... why?
  5. Risiko Augur

    It's just a cheat sheet. I use EQ Traders myself. Great site.
  6. Hexaholic Augur

    Great work, thanks!
  7. Zapsos Augur

    Love the work you are doing, suggestion for improvement, maybe mark the spells by class?