Spell drops in TDS raids.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Leex, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Leex Pewpewer

    Hello all, unfortunately since my guild has only beaten the first raid in TDS I'm not aware if they increase or not, but spell drops are insanely low. I think we added it up and it's something like, 50 people would get rk3 spells if we farmed TDS full time everytime lockout is up ( Which we do )before the new expansion drops.

    For those of you who have beat the latter raids, do spell drops increase at all?

    If not, I think we should keep this post running to let the devs understand that even though they design the game, without playing it and having a full understanding of everything ( which playtime is needed for this - Not just coding ) they really don't understand how this effects game play.

    Looking for some support from the community to get the devs to increase spell drops, don't let this issue slide!

    Also on a side note, I really think that this expansion didn't get all the time it needed in development due to time restraints as they had to also finish up cotf, as well as making this new expansion. We have no degmar raids, or Thuli raids, etc. I think these zones are pretty nice looking and would love to have raids in there, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone..

    SoE employee's please don't take this as criticism or hate mail, I've played EQ for a long time, since 2000. I love this game, I just want to see it suceed and in order for that, sometimes you need to have an open mind about things and take advice from your player base. We all know you've got the best intentions, but sometimes things don't work out as you thought they would.

    EQ players unite!! xD
  2. blood & gufts Augur

    My guess is that at the anniv there will come a dino raid
  3. Edrick Augur

    From 7 raids to 8 for an entire year. Whoopie.

    The Pellarus Satum sits atop Katta Castrum: Deluge, beckoning...
    Dibab likes this.
  4. Iila Augur

    https://forums.station.sony.com/eq/index.php?threads/tds-first-raid.214846/ (Check the latter pages, Maeryn has been compiling loot reports for each raid.)
    Spell drops go down for raids 2-4.

    Clearing the one-shots is vital to getting a guild into new armor and spells before 2016.
  5. Dibab Augur

    WTB Solteris 2.0
  6. Voth Elder

    I have a raid design ready to go...mobs, mechanics, placement, loots, everything. It will take long enough to keep the mid tier engaged for the entire year and open up great open raid opportunities. I won't even charge for it.

    EDIT: it's a zone with 10 encounters. No new models, no new zone files.
  7. Fenudir Augur

    Be careful what you wish for. They may give us event #3 but with a 16 to 32 split -- and the entire thing under water!
  8. Vlerg Augur

    and each one of thsoe 32 split will hit for 40k!
    Fenudir likes this.
  9. Fenudir Augur

    And non-mez & non-rootable. oh, and anti-kite mechanics (though kiting in water sucks).

    Really they should hit for 50K to match current raid-wiping mass spawns.
  10. Iila Augur

    Event 3 will be exactly the same, but they'll hit for 10x as much.
  11. Fenudir Augur

    Nah.not enough of a screw. Then again, I can sadly see them doing a copy & paste and calling it a day.
  12. Marshall Maathers Augur

    10x less hp and 10x tighter balance needed as well
  13. Fenudir Augur

    The original event 3 was 5%. The new one will be 2%.

    You know, we really should quit doing this. Some dev is going to think that we actually want this and then we'll be in a world of hurt. ;)
    Sancus likes this.
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    And it will be beaten. Probably won't even take half as long as it took for War to be downed.
  15. Mykaylla Augur

    Oh we can do better than that, let's add knockback, sinkhole, reverse sinkhole and FD while underwater (curing one will randomly give you another... and a cure bane like Sepulcher 3)... and massive damage shields (spell and melee) that you can only dispel by making a potion that is made from no-rent no-storage no-shroud bank no-pet components foraged from the raid instance, and can only be combined without a raid timer.
    Every 15 seconds, one of the adds turns "fragile" and takes quadruple damage from all sources. This is accomplished by a buff that all of the mobs get with an identical name and buff icon, but there are two different spell IDs. All mobs are more than 5 levels higher than max level so that spell awareness does not work anyway, even if it would give you a clue. The buff on the other mobs? Functions as a lifetap for damage plus reverse lifetap for damage (a la lich sting, but means that all damage you land on those mobs heals them instead in addition to their own attacks healing them for the damage they deal). If any mob heals too much in a single tick, they fire an AE bomb that hits *everything*- all players, pets, kills aura invisible men, themselves and their fellows, jesters (best part, bloody jesters), everything.
    If there are more than 5 DoTs on any given mob, they will place ALL their DoTs on ONE mob, randomly selected (Thanks Bengalee for that contribution!).
    You must chant, underwater, the entire time, to friendly NPCs, in the lost language used by the ankexfen and sphinx for their great magics prior to the Rallosian invasion and subsequent curse. To master this language, you will need to repeat 20 tasks approximately 20 times each. They all share lockout with each other. All lock on commencement, so you cannot be taskadded. You must type, in language, in say. Typos and mistakes from failure to master the tongue results in a failure. You will need to read a book clicky while you do so that then passes to your target, which is determined, not by the raid leader and strat people, but by who you are emoted to hand it to. It filters to "Other." After reading from the book, Faerune and all other water breathing effects is suppressed on you for five minutes. You must run to a glowing crystal to shroud as a swimming eye of zomm to prevent yourself from drowning to death. Your swim skill is 20. You must swim to the other side of the raid area to deshroud. Once two or more people are shrouded, all movement-affecting debuffs begin firing twice as often.

    There's a good start... :D
    Fenudir, Sancus and Edrick like this.
  16. Edrick Augur

    Sancus and Mykaylla like this.
  17. Iila Augur

    That was my idea for a boss in our player made quest from soelive.
    It's the one that you're supposed to let an npc kill.
  18. Mykaylla Augur

    Get out your foraging machete!
  19. Deillusional Augur

    Anyhow back to the spell drops, they need at least x3 or even x4ing,..
  20. Leex Pewpewer

    LOL way to derail the thread guys!

    Spell drop rates need to be increased! Farming the shi*t out of t3 zones and coming up short on spells :(. It's ridiculous that rk2 spells are almost as rare as rk3s!