/sounds battle horn

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Brexa, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Brexa New Member

    This thread is for the Bards!

    Howdy Folks, Brexa the Bard here, and I've got some ideas based on barding
    and tooting your own horn in /general. So, there are some facets about being
    a bard that should be addressed. One is that the class is consistent and
    also wanted by fellow travelers in raids, group, or players passing by -and I've
    found a non-trivial phase for the bard.

    As the mastery of instruments comes easy to you, you'll be playing on your lute
    endlessly and wondering what else can I obtain from these songs? I've been
    plucking away at maximum skill for years now... isn't there some sort of
    high end bard role that is somehow overlooked and missing? Just a few.

    1. Staying still while playing an instrument bonus.
    2. Directional Shadowstepping (green gem song/spell.)
    3. A complex facet to barding- read details please
    - required instrument type is at maximum skill
    - Quests that are on par with epic difficulty rewarding bard only instruments, one
    of each type.
    - Each instrument evolves by extended play of the specific type of song, (I.E.
    the wind instrument levels up from playing wind songs)
    - At maximum evolution the item becomes clickable.
    - Clicky summons an item that has unique ability, item goes back to 0% evolution.
    .Brass/String/Wind/Percussion gives- each ability respectively
    .Mana regen^ -HP regen^ -att/proc ^ -ac/magic bonus^ - items that are bard only.
    Singing is definitely something different than the instruments, you get a
    general reward from a quest that is a totem that evolves with singing only,
    singing can be done while an instrument is equipped, of course :3 But, the
    totem evolves only if you're singing the sing songs! OK, so the totem (like a megaphone cone lol) has to have a song mod as it's click-able ability, it also summons a temporary bag that has a combine button in it and 4 slots- take the other unused bard items from the 4
    other instruments and hit combine, you obtain a trade-able and clickable item with
    a combined focus of all the previous components... for bard these abilities stack:)
    The item can be called Bard's Chewing Gum, has a lasting effect for players and the
    gum is stack-able. Bards can sell it if they desire, they can choose to deny begging
    players, they can hand it out to their friends.
    <Your gum has lost it's sweet/tangy flavor!>

    4. EXTRA - Visible Capes!!!!