Something new stated occurring today

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sherrarnah, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. Sherrarnah New Member

    Hi all
    I only had this start today so not sure if it is me or an issue I am guessing it is something at my end.
    When I have an item on my cursor and turn left or right it auto inventories.
    I am using standard UI and it hasnt done that before. Any suggestions about a cause or fix gratefully received.

  2. Annastasya Augur

    New Mouse? What do you use to turn? If you're using a keyboard, check the key options in game to see if the key you are using to turn is also tied to some other commands.
  3. Iven the Lunatic

    I assume that you do turn left or right by using the keyboard. I am sure that you have created an /autoinventory hotbutton for the UI. Maybe on the window that has the firm 0-9+? key bindings. So your right and left keys have a key binding to one of those numbers/characters. It could be also the right click button of a programmable mouse as this button is also used for direction navigation.
    minimind likes this.
  4. Sherrarnah New Member

    Hi thanks for the reply
    I was binding sacrifice food and drink to left and right arrows that seems to have resolve the issue finding another set of keys.
    minimind likes this.
  5. eqgamer Augur

    Sher! :)
    minimind likes this.