Some enchanter AAs for CoF

Discussion in 'Casters' started by fransisco, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Looking on test after the patch tonight, these are some enchanter AAs I'm seeing

    New ranks of:
    1 rank crippling aura
    1 rank dreary deeds
    3 ranks calculate insanity
    3 ranks deep sleep
    1 rank mental contortion
    3 ranks veil of mindshadow
    1 rank mind over matter

    Improved Reactive Rune 3 ranks:

    3 ranks staff block
    5 ranks shield block
    3 ranks fury of magic

    AA bind afinity

    5 ranks combat agility and stability

    AA identify
  2. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I wonder what the new AA slow will be like,
  3. silku Augur

    Kind of underwhelming so far.
  4. Mykaylla Augur

    Some specifics on these:

    Crippling Sparkle
    Classes: ENC/254
    Skill: Alteration
    Target: Caster PB
    Range: 200', AE Range: 100'
    Resist: Magic
    Casting: 1s, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 7.5m (75 ticks), Dispelable: Yes, Allow Fast Regen: No
    1: Decrease DEX by 118
    2: Decrease AGI by 135
    3: Decrease STR by 135
    4: Decrease AC by 58
    5: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 35%

    5 more off all the stats, 2 more AC, 5% more decrease dual wield- everything else is the same. Basically a standard upgrade.

    Dreary Deeds
    Classes: ENC/254
    Skill: Alteration
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Magic -10
    Casting: 2s, Recast: 4s, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 90s (15 ticks), Dispelable: No, Allow Fast Regen: No
    2: Decrease Melee Haste by 73%
    3: Increase Disease Counter by 20

    Same duration, range, resist check, but this is the first slow upgrade in strength in a long, long time- 73%, still behind shaman 75% slow, but not by much. Also has four more disease counters, but that's pretty inconsequential.

    Calculated Insanity
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Self
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 2m (20 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    Max Hits: 18 Matching Spells
    1: Increase Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 20%/1% to 15%/1% to 10%
    2: Limit Max Duration: 0s
    3: Limit Type: Detrimental
    4: Limit Effect: Current HP
    5: Limit Type: Exclude Procs
    6: Increase Chance to Critical Nuke by 85%/90%/95% and Increase Critical Nuke Damage by 100% of Base Damage
    7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10

    Three more ranks, same duration, same number of spell counters. Mana cost penalty drops, and the chance to crit nuke is now so high that you would only need the three ranks of Spell Casting Fury, or a single rank of Third Spire of Enchantment, to reach 100% crit rate while CI is running. Yo chanters, I heard you like crit chance, so I put crit chance on your crit chance, so you can crit while you crit.

    Deep Sleep
    Classes: ENC/254
    Skill: Conjuration
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Magic -500
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 2m (20 ticks), Dispelable: Yes, Allow Fast Regen: No
    1: Decrease Chance to Hit by 18%/21%/24%
    2: Cast: Deep Sleep's Malaise

    Deep Sleep's Malaise
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Magic
    Casting: 0s, Recast: 1.5s
    Duration: 2m (20 ticks), Dispelable: Yes, Allow Fast Regen: No
    1: Decrease Melee Haste by 70%

    The first new rank has a 3% higher "decrease chance to hit," and now deep sleep will also proc a slow. It is a separate autocast to prevent stacking/blocking and overwriting issues with enchanter and shaman spells and AAs.

    Mental Contortion
    Classes: ENC/254
    Skill: Alteration
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Lowest -30
    Casting: 2s, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 3m (30 ticks), Dispelable: Yes, Allow Fast Regen: No
    Recourse: Mind Twist Recourse
    1: Decrease Hit Damage by 40%
    4: Decrease Current HP by 2640 per tick
    6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 50%

    10% more "decrease hit damage," 660 more damage per tick, everything else remains the same. Recourse mana is identical.

    Veil of Mindshadow
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Self
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 36m (360 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    4: Absorb Melee Damage: 95%, Total: 75000/85000/95000

    Ups the vie effect from 90% to 95%, and an extra 10,000 on the total absorbed per rank. All else remains the same.

    Mind Over Matter
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Self
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0.001s
    Duration: 15m (150 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    Max Hits: 150 Incoming Hits Or Spells
    1: Absorb Damage using Mana: 100%

    Now with 100% absorption, all else remains the same.

    Reactive Rune Trigger
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Target Group
    Range: 200', AE Range: 200'
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0s
    1: Cast: Reactive Rune Melee Effect
    2: Cast: Reactive Rune Spell Effect

    Reactive Rune Melee Effect
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Target Group, MGB: No
    Range: 200', AE Range: 200'
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 30m (300 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    1: Cast: Reactive Rune Stoneskin on 35000 Melee Damage Taken

    Reactive Rune Spell Effect
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Target Group, MGB: No
    Range: 200', AE Range: 200'
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 30m (300 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    2: Cast: Reactive Rune SpellShield on 40000 Spell Damage Taken

    Reactive Rune Stoneskin
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Self
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 30s (5 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    1: Absorb Damage: 100% Total: 60000/65000/70000

    Reactive Rune SpellShield
    Classes: ENC/254
    Target: Self
    Beneficial: Blockable
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 30s (5 ticks), Extendable: Yes, Dispelable: Yes
    1: Absorb Spell Damage: 100% Total: 65000/70000/75000

    That's a lot of spell info, but what it boils down to, is that hitting your improved reactive rune AA will instantly cast two separate buffs on your target group- Reactive Rune Melee Effect and Reactive Rune Spell Effect. Both will go to the short-term buff window as per usual. Each will independently trigger their rune effects, based on the type of incoming damage, rather than "first damage type past the post" as before.
  5. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Ouch! Raising the cap on VoMS from 90 to 95 is actually a nerf. Same with raising the cap on Reactive Rune, though doubling it to two buffs is great.
    silku likes this.
  6. Casidia Augur

    Huh? It says they also add 10k total absorbed before it fades, doesn't look like a nerf.

    5 Ranks shield block..i assume that balances Shield vs. Staff for defense a bit more, as we saw in another thread Staff block had way more dodge?
  7. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Currently, I consider VoMS > ER because I like that it lets damage through which alerts the healer that I'm about to take a lot more damage. It'd be more powerful going the other way and taking a larger percentage of damage. That way it's a smoother transition from VoMS up to VoMS down. It's not like you're going to die with VoMS still up either way.
  8. Mykaylla Augur

    I do wonder why the cap at which Improved Reactive was raised, because it's a pretty significant jump. It is a separate line (though it greys out regular Reactive Rune), so you *can* choose either/or.

    As for Veil of Mindshadow, I actually just made a big long post in beta about the priority on rune and mitigation effects. While it *may* mean that on some hits if you do not have other runes up, it will chew through Veil of Mindshadow faster (For example, suppose you get hit for 60,000 in one shot after shielding- old rank would absorb 54000 of that and you'd take 6000 damage, with 11000 left on your Veil, whereas new rank would absorb 57000 and you'd take 3000 damage, with 18000 left on the rune at the first new rank, which still leaves you with more left in that particular circumstance), you actually won't eat into it at all if you have other runes up. That's why VoM lasts so long.

    No, the new ranks of shield block don't balance out staff block- it's still much higher. A recent parse of caster shield versus staff on the same mob on beta showed a 6.6% block rate for shield, and a 21.2% block rate for staff. On a test dummy it was even higher. ~Laughs~
  9. Mykaylla Augur

    Crossposting myself! This was with regard to how new threshold runes factor in to the damage you take.


    Order does not matter for Shield of Fate or Veil of Mindshadow compared to normal runes.
    Runes are a very old SPA- 55. They are used up in order of your buff slots (as pretty much all enchanters know).
    Veil of Mindshadow is not a rune, and so does not use that SPA. VoM uses SPA 168. This is the "vie" SPA- it is used by cleric vies (the first spells that used it) including Shining Bastion, by paladin and shadowknight mantle, carapace, and armour mitigation discs, by warrior Ridicule, by the knight reprove line, by the protective mimic familiar, paladin Protective heal line, druid Adrenaline heal line, shaman Ancestral guard, wizard Arcane Destruction, paladin Demand for Honour, Armour of Experience AA, shadowknight Cascading Theft of Defense.... the list goes on. This spell type follows a simple rule- it does not stack, the highest mitigation percentage of its' type takes effect, buff order does not matter, and the earlier rune spell type is takes precedence, regardless of buff slot (knights, and especially paladins, are very used to this, as they have multiple vie abilities- paladins are not fans of the recourse on their Demand for Honour because it does nothing if you're discing or have a cleric, druid, or cleric merc out... or are healing yourself with their own Protective spell that has a superior vie). This means that if you have Veil of Mindshadow on and Bastion of Vie, Bastion of Vie does nothing, because it is a 10% mitigation, and Veil of Mindshadow, in CotF, is 95%. If you have Polyiridescent Rune on and Veil of Mindshadow, Veil of Mindshadow is doing nothing until that Polyiridescent Rune is broken through, at which point it is mitigating your incoming hits by 95%.

    I am aware that this goes against the consensus up until now. It's also really, really easy to prove that it is the case that the vie SPA does not care about buff order with a cleric.
    Bastion of Vie is a 10% mitigation vie with a base duration of 72 minutes and an absorption limit- in the case of Rk. III, that limit is 41874. When it reaches that 41874 point threshold, it casts Light of Vie III on the recipient, which is a 4532 pt heal.
    Shining Bastion is also a 10% mitigation vie, with a base duration of 4.5 minutes and no absorption limit- it is limited by duration. It has a defensive stun proc, and when that stun proc fires, it also triggers a heal on the recipient- in the case of Shining Bastion Rk. III, that heal is 2681.
    When the slot was changed to prevent mercenaries constantly overwriting and then blocking the superior Shining Bastion, I determined to test whether or not there was a buff order priority on this spell type. I cast Bastion of Vie first, then Shining Bastion, and maintained Shining Bastion over the course of approximately 2.5 hours (the duration of Bastion of Vie) of killing mobs without refreshing Bastion of Vie. I then cast Shining Bastion first, then Bastion of Vie, and once again, maintained Shining Bastion over the course of approximately 2.5 hours killing mobs without refreshing Bastion of Vie.

    In neither case did Bastion of Vie break and disappear early. It ran its' full duration and faded on the character in question in both cases. It never once fired the additional "Light of Vie" heal.
    This SPA does not obey a buff order priority, only which version is considered "superior," which is decided firstly by percentage of mitigation, and then by amount of absorption, level, et cetera.
    Runes are 100% mitigation and an earlier SPA, and so take priority.

    Shield of Fate is not SPA 55 or 162, which makes sense- it's a new mechanic, a threshold rune, which is on the shiny new SPAs 451 and 452 (451 is melee damage, 452 is spell damage). As a newer spell type, it takes effect after both regular runes AND vies.
    Shielding will reduce your hit before it reaches the rune, but neither Veil of Mindshadow nor Shield of Fate will.
    RPoo likes this.