Solo TLP server needed

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Evertrek, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I wonder how hard it would be to override social aggro on a per server basis. I'm not saying I love the idea of making a Solo TLP, but as a thought exercise it intrigues me. If they could reduce the social aggro of all mobs to zero, then double (triple?) the normal exp, and disable the group bonus, that might fit what you are describing. It wouldn't be a full re-tune for solo, but it would be closer.

    It wouldn't help Rogues or Clerics very much. I'm not sure there are any easy changes that could be made to help the classes that don't solo well or quickly. Anything that requires real development time isn't going to work, it's not worth their efforts.
  2. Phantom Ghost Augur

    100X Ds, 100X regen. X=level.

    Minimal work for a server nobody wants. No need to adjust classes or mobs. Can even give everyone 1000000000 hp.
  3. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Wildly overpowering characters misses the point. If you think about the concept seriously for a moment, the only realistic solution is to make as much group content soloable as possible. Raid content just can't be brought down to a soloable level without trivializing group content. Characters would need to be roughly powerful enough to solo blue group content with minimal downtime. Too much power and it's a snoozefest, too little power and people get bored from the lack of progress.

    Whether or not a Solo TLP is a good idea is a separate issue. I'm not generally a fan even though I do solo a lot. But with that said, trying to come up with a solution to this "puzzle" is still a fun and interesting thing to try. Since we can't see the code or the database it's all just speculation.
  4. fransisco Augur

    It sounds like the OP may be looking for a different game.
  5. RandomStrategy Augur

    I remember reading someone did a solo pacifist level 60 character in WoW.

    You might give that a shot.
  6. nostalgicfool Augur

    I m really amused because in many group i have been in half of the people are half afk, so getting to max level grouping is totally trivial, especially if you play a dps class.

    Recently i was in a GE group, i was slowing, healing, buffing and the rogue in group refused to pull and was quite slow to attack mobs in camp ... So at some point i was pulling, slowing, buffing, healing ...
    Note that the beastlord could have pulled too, spaming the pet back off key is certainly annoying but is is not that complicated. We had a beastie and he never slowed anything when we had pulls of 4 -- a little drowsy could have been nice while waiting for a bigger slow and he never healed his pet-- the wizard never parked or snared anything.

    Only the mage did his job, I really disagree with people who bash mages, most are reasonably active and i have been in duo/trio in which the mage pulled and tanked (with pet).

    The group was also unable to focus one mob even after i asked them to do so. This group was a bit extreme and i have been in groups in which everyone was trying to do his best -- obviously efficiency was much higher -- Indeed most groups are decent, but it is quite common to have 1 or 2 members that are super lazy, and when only one or two members do nothing the group can still work.

    Super lazy classes are (from my experience) rogues, pure melee and wizzies.

    Bard, rangers usually love to pull and snare, cc or offtank if needed the only afk rangers i remember were headshooting and i won't blame them for relaxing then.

    Chanters and shamans are always busy and active (CC, debuf, buff, heals etc ...)

    For necro it varies some are semi-afk and pet attack and throw a dot sometimes, other try to do their best.

    Clerics are not super active but it's by nature, they must med and should avoid overhealing.
    Most try to use CH exactly when needed. So their game-play is not very intense but they have to do the right thing at the right time when things get ugly.

    People won't kick you out of the group unless you abuse a lot your group-mates patience, i never did it. I remember the group leader kicking once a rogue and once a necro after they went fully afk for over 40 mn, but people usually don't kick lazy people. What get people kicked is being rude/unpleasant or putting the group at risk.

    So, getting to max level is trivial if your level is around the average level of the server and this is especially true for pure dps classes.

    As opposed to that, Soloing require way more skill than playing in a group, it is also much more dangerous. Given that getting a group is not granted, especially if you are level 30 on a level 70 server, solo xp should be set to be almost equivalent to group xp, at least for all tier below the last current tier.

    I don't really get why XP in group is so much higher than solo, playing in a group is safer and easier and on top your contribution is unclear and many people leech other xp. I understand that some form of grouping should be encouraged, but the incentive should not be that large and so enforcing grouping when nobody in your level range is on is a very peculiar way of considering the game.

    And now i m not asking for an easier game, Quading, reverse fear kiting, kiting or tanking with slow, niquescharm kiting, root and cook kiting ... all those solo techniques require more attention and skill than playing in a group.

    It is very obvious that solo xp should be decent, especially below the last tier (ie 1-55 or 1-60 on current phinny).

    Making soloing practically impossible (i can solo many DB mobs but the xp per hour is so low that i don't really plan on doing it) has been one of Everquest worst mistake. People (esp in the last tier) should prefer to group, but playing should be rewarding even if you cannot find a group (because you play at odd time, because almost nobody is your level range, because you have just 45mn ...)

    This unwise stand from Everquest Designers has too effects which are detrimental : a) the customer base if extremelly small, b) most people get powerleveled ... this is indeed even worse than leeching xp
    Chatoyan likes this.
  7. Phantom Ghost Augur

    Did you say realistic?

    There are several set for solo content. This game is not designed for soloing. You'd need to restructure everything. They cannot balance as it is, so good luck, this request is not realistic if you want some form of challenge.
  8. Thorondor Augur

    Dear Flying Spagetti Monster,

    Please make an entirely different game....but call it Everquest.

  9. Rauven Augur

  10. Evertrek Augur

    Be nice. No reason why a cleric can't solo most content. Group for raids and dungeons. Tune the damage spells, remove soft caps for skills (like dodge), maybe make mobs drop Agro after a time/distance. Players would still have to watch pulls but we should be able to take on 2 or 3 mobs at once. Areas that have groups of 4+ mob clusters would be good for duo or group ... this will kill leveling wall groups but I think we all have spent enough time with these.

    EQ and WOW are just as fun to explore as ESO, but EQ requires a group to be productive at leveling and surviving.

    I'm just saying I can't/won't sub for EQ anymore due to the requirement of forced groupage.
    nostalgicfool likes this.
  11. AgentofChange Augur

    You are asking them to change the game. People who still play this game enjoy it.

    So... cy@, you won't be missed.
  12. Rauven Augur

    I did half the work for you. Not only am I being nice, but I did you a favor.

    Forced grouping is not only a feature of EQ, but the sole focus of the genre it pretty much helped create. Removing that is like taking jumping/platforming out of a Mario game. Which even the RPG version didn't do.

    What you want isn't EQ. I gave you literally 3000 options. Pick one. Be happy.
  13. Uija New Member

    Its so funny, how most of you don't get the point! Most of the servers don't have much grouping in low levels anymore. DB introduced TrueBox-Policy to force people to play together again, because you rarely see people leveling outside of PL-Scenarios or Multiboxing. Breaking this down means: Leveling IS already a Solo-Game, but not based on character count but on player count.
    I would bet, most of the TLP playerbase are people who played that content already. Yes its fun, doing the orc hills, but its not, that you see something new. On top of that, it wouldn't be less fun, if you stay there for some hours instead of some days. And it wouldn't be less fun, if you could just do it alone, instead of waiting at the druid rings, killing blue stuff solo, because there are not enough people around, willing to form a group.
    As already written, its not about one-hitting mobs until you are max-level, its not getting the levels handed to you effordless. If just would be cool, if you could just login for an hour in the evening, because you don't have more time, and have fun in this game and getting rewards for it.

    You all say, it shouldn't be that fast and you would miss so much, if it goes faster... Is it really that great, to do the same dungeon or the same camp in different groups over and over again for days, to get those few levels together? Just to come back to the same dungeon weeks or month later, to kill that single mob over and over again, to get that drop you want? Wouldn't it be cool, if you could just stay there as long as you are not bored doing the same stuff again and than leave to a new exiting location, not only because you want to, but because its already time to do so?

    Its not about removing the grouping, its about making playing possible, when no groups are around. As soon as you are maxlevel, there is not much to do, but grouping, and that is okay, because there are more people around to group with, because after some time, most ARE already maxlevel!

    There is a great article from Thott (anyone remember him?) from around 2003 or something about that issue called "Kunark Problem"

    I know, they removed hell levels, and so grouping in Kunark isn't that boring anymore.
  14. Rauven Augur

    Let me point out something to you that you're not realizing.

    I'm not going to go on a spiel about how this is a Massive Multiplayer Online game. That's evident and you're likely to stick your fingers in your ears and ignore that anyway. But it is still a game played alongside others. And that means your ability to complete tasks is directly on your ability to complete them. There's three aspects that make this work.

    1. What you know.
    2. What you have.
    3. Who you know.

    What you know is your personal skill and knowledge of the game. Knowing your classes role and how to use its spells and abilities is involved in this.

    What you have is your levels, AAs, gear, ect. It is basically what character you have.

    Who you know is the most overlooked. It is your personal network of friends, guildies, and any static groups you are apart of. You need a group in EQ. Sometimes you need a group to level in some cases. If you decide to solo, and it is YOUR choice. You are effectively handicapping 33% of your potential.

    What this means is who you know and whom you group with is JUST as important as the gear you have and any skillsets you have and the knowledge of the game. Its entirely on you to build this network. Asking a dev to remove this part of the game is akin to asking for a max gear/level toon out the gate as well. I mean why stop at solo play? OP said they want to be able to see the game. A maxed out level toon with full AAs and gear would achieve the same thing.

    Building your personal network of players to play with is the same as learning your role and class and building your character. Its just as important and its just as much a part of the game.
  15. Uija New Member

    I am completely with you on the "you need a network in MMO type games" part. I would add to that: If you are a new player you will have to learn a lot if you solo all the way to max level.

    Show me a way, how I can spend my time leveling in groups without spending most of my time sittting/running around waiting, you will be my hero!

    As you pointed out, that I would ignore what you say, you did in deed ignore, what I wrote:

    If you enter a new server some times AFTER it started, you are alone. You might find some friends, but the majority of players are out of range for you. When i started in 2000, I did so because a group of friends were playing EQ. I joined a not unsuccessfull guild... but: They where all at maxlevel or near maxlevel. It was great in some parts, because I was given some stuff, that helped me a lot, and I had more support, than I could dream of, but at the end, I dropped my former main (a cleric) to a bard, because I sat around LFG a lot. My friendslist was full of people, whom I talked to a lot, but some are faster, some are slower. Even back than, it wasn't that easy to play that game outside of running around, checking zones and camps.

    As an example: Yesterday, I was playing around 5 hours. I was /lfg on all the time, I was non anon, I was asking for groups in ooc and local channel all time as well as talking to randoms running around. I didn't have a single group. Without those friendly druids, both beeing LFG the full time, buffing me regen and spikes, I would have stick to 5 hours of missing blues and sitting around waiting for HP to get up again.
    I would prefer cool group action over solo-action all the time, but without people willing to group in your range, there is no group play.

    This is not only related to Everquest. I am playing MMOs since 99, many of those years in active raid-guilds and if you are not part of the first wave of players at the start, have a group of friends start with your, have the same leveling speed than the others, you are alone a lot!

    And as no game can change that, all games made solo play easier. Some went into full mmo-single-player (Star Wars MMO), some have solo leveling content all the way (WOW) or even modern EQ with the mercs. They didn't to that, because they wanted to kill group play, they did so, because they wanted new players to be able to play the game ;)
    Chatoyan likes this.
  16. Rauven Augur

    9 times out of 10 my group is formed even before I login to the game. I login to my guild's discord and get told to meet at x location. VOIP, Steam, your preferred IM, social media, and even your contacts on your cellphone are all viable methods of forming groups.

    Making solo play easier takes time and resources away from group contact. Look again at those modern MMOs that favor Solo play. FFXIV and ESO for example allow you to solo to max level. Then what do you do? You've got 2-3 dungeons (if that) you can run.

    I did raiding in WoW-Legion, and found myself playing 3 hours a week, logging in once to raid, and then waiting a week for the unlock.

    SWTOR isn't even a MMORPG anymore. Its KOTOR 3 with a chat.

    The soloability of those games is the main reason I've quit them. You get to max level and beat the game, MMOs aren't meant to be beaten like that.
  17. Phantom Ghost Augur

    So all they need is a difficulty rating at class selection. Problem solved.
  18. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Yes, I said realistic. The OP set out a goal, I'm trying to be realistic about how that could be achieved. It might not be possible, but it's fun to speculate and theorize about it. You are jumping immediately to the assessment of "impossible," which is premature without conjecture and discussion. It's more likely, even with suggestions that minimize the work required, that it is possible but not worth the effort. And again, probably not a good idea in the first place, but does it really hurt anything to discuss it?
  19. Phantom Ghost Augur

    Already stated there are several on . There not very popular. Yours and Op prayers are answered.

    Been done multiple ways.

    Literally, 5 minutes and you can make all spells usable by all. Make all items usable by all, have access to all aa .. surprisingly still difficult to solo as you are limited to 8 spell slots.

    Negative side... unless you spend way too long customizing classes you need to choose one with mana.

    So ranger for dps, sk or pally for tank. Going caster or healer just limits your melee damage.

    Decide you want to raid... add bots.

    Get bored customize items, spells, discs etc.

    Too easy, increase mob power or reduce spell power... too hard, do the opposite
  20. Dumbledorf Lorekeeper

    Plenty of single player rpg games with better solo content than EQ .. Skyrim, dragon age 1, the Witcher series.... I play EQ for the fun of social interaction. If we're getting any new TLP I want it to be a team pvp one!