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Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pappasalt, Nov 12, 2019.

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  1. Tristan New Member

    LOL. My trader account got suspended for cheating. way to go daybreak. Good job getting those cheaters.
    PotatoPower and Bardy McFly like this.
  2. Yolan Lorekeeper

    I was carelessly banned. Nothing I need to prove though. I am sure DBG can see my accounts as well as the 3 PC's they are normally played on. Not to mention (now) a picture of my set up. I never used a VM to play EQ.
  3. Phartman New Member

    The email didn't say VM, does it? Maybe it's other stuff. Showeq, autohotkey, m-q, etc.
  4. Tristan New Member

    The email said cheating. I guess my prices were cheating the market? I don't know.
  5. GuessICheated? New Member

    Nope if you have VM software installed more than likely you got banned. Screw people who use it for legitimate reasons I guess. Wild times when DBG is scanning for installed software.
  6. Phartman New Member

    I have VM software installed since I use it for work and I am not banned.
    Bardy McFly likes this.
  7. Ainthek New Member

    A guildmate and I both have VMWare installed on some of our machines for work and we weren't suspended. I even have active [unrelated] VMs running in the background on my main machine while I'm playing. So I don't think it's that simple.
  8. Sethisto Elder

    I'm surprised it happened. Sucks to lose some of the people we've been playing with for a while, but it will be nice to not have entire box groups sitting on spawns for entire expansions monopolizing things. There is no way in hell any of those people weren't running some programs to assist them. No one is manually playing 6 accounts.

    True box MMORPG means make friends and play with people online. Not single player with 5 bots and pretend everyone else is just in the way. Crazy boxing is the dungeon finder of EQ. People love the convenience, but it ruins the community.

    There are lots of private servers you can hop on to box away or even 100% solo where everything is scaled down to soloable. No need to play live if you don't plant to play with others.
  9. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    How's Siren's Grotto?!
  10. Frustration New Member

    I run around 4-5 characters, without assistance. I use Keypads and binds and laptops. I have VMware on my main PC, the same PC i have many development programs installed on. Two accounts got suspended, are the two i alternate with on this PC. These are not run through VM itsel . VMware is in the process list for active processes/services, but not the VMWare.Exe application.

    Any basic game has basic anti-cheat where the game will not load, or will boot you, if it detects any services or applications that are against the rules. The fact that this one doesn't, and their method of dealing with this is simply sending an Email with "Cheating" in the description of why - is absurd and unprofessional.

    If you have VMware on your PC - make sure there are no active services that indicate you do. If there are, you may have missed this suspension wave, but you won't miss the next.

    Once I give away all my stuff, I think I'll be retiring the 7 accounts i pay for. And for the record, I share spawns, help with epics, and contribute to those around me. I don't sit in Sirens Grotto. They made a mistake with their poorly applied rules. If Having an application installed on your PC is grounds for a suspension, they really need to re-evaluate.
    PotatoPower and NotACheater like this.
  11. Phartman New Member

    Utterly false. I do this without issue. It's not nearly as hard as you think. Didn't get banned because cheating isn't necessary.
    Bardy McFly likes this.
  12. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Imagine being mad about cheating getting caught red handed and ONLY getting suspended.
  13. Bardy McFly Augur

    This is very, very false. I do on 6 PCs and with no automated software (6 keyboards and 6 screens), and I know I'm far from the only one.
  14. Bardy McFly Augur

    This I wholeheartedly agree with.
    NotACheater likes this.
  15. Frustration New Member

    Waiting, I can safely say that I haven't cheated. If simply having an application installed on your computer is bannable, even if that application is a normal application, then that is a problem. They need to be clear that you cant even have certain applications on your PC. It's not like I used ________ cheat program that shows map, or warps, etc. I had a VMware installation on my PC that was unused.
    You can be smug, rude, and troll all you want, but these suspensions overreached.
  16. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    That's what everyone always says and it's basically never true
  17. enclee Augur

    Yeah, it’s a bit concerning they’re scanning your process list. I don’t see how VMs impact, the game though. VMs are just efficient and have been used for the last decade.
  18. Bardy McFly Augur

    Probably view it as a way around Truebox code, among other things.
  19. That0neguy Augur

    It's not. That's why the rest of us who have it installed and don't sure it for EQ didn't get banned. I am not sure why you are trying to sway public opinion on the matter here. DBG caught you doing something and suspended you. Get over it and stop doing it.
  20. enclee Augur

    I can see that, and I got no dog in the first here. DBG can’t fight the change in the tech world, VMs and cloud hosting are the here and now.
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