so roxxly closed a thread, rightfully, but it brings to mind

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by anonymoose, Jul 11, 2018.

  1. anonymoose New Member

    can we have an open general discussion here, not about what violates the rules, but that the enforcers don't seem to handle the situation the way we would like.

    i would like to see:
    1) first time, minor infractions - slap on the wrist
    2) anything in between there and here
    3) real time money seller - ban the account
  2. That0neguy Augur

    That's nice you would like to see these things. Maybe you should submit a bid to purchase DBG. No where in the terms does it say what action will be specifically taken against an account nor should it.

    I would like the punishment for my speeding ticket to be the cop giving me a coffee. That's not going to happen and is the reason why the general public does not set rules or enforcement of said rules.
  3. anonymoose New Member

    ah, but we are in this together. if lax enforcement lowers subscriptions too far, the game will cease to exist. all games seem to suffer from it, the question is how far does the company go to please the player base versus the krono farmers and a$$holes.
  4. Machentoo Augur

    What would make you think that they are even slightly open to your input on this?
  5. Bolten_DA Augur

    Until the rules specifically state there will be punishment for training or disrupting raids you are wasting your time. Obviously Daybreak doesn't care that you think is unfair/wrong. The people would have been banned by now if so. Making another post about this is pointless. Either fight back or put your tail between your leg and AoC it up.
  6. Hateseeker Augur

    When was training removed from the rules? Or, wait...let me guess? The rules just say griefing, and historically training was considered griefing, and now they don't?
  7. Vileborg Journeyman

  8. Hateseeker Augur

    Those are dated March 6 2018, anyone know where the old one can be found for comparison? Tried googling, couldn't come up with anything in the first 5 pages -
  9. RandomStrategy Augur

    Wayback Machine?
  10. Hateseeker Augur

    hmmm, I tried that link, but it didn't show anything, for it to work that easily they would have had to have updated the content at the same link. But maybe I can browse what Wayback Machine has and find it that way -